Best 11 quotes in «viktor quotes» category

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    Niccolo frowned. Why did Viktor, and modern humans for that matter, always speak of beasts of burden? Ass this and ass that. Hungry as a horse…

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    Sì, maybe I should consult Viktor. Niccolo pulled his phone from his pocket. His fingers jabbed at the miniature text pad with frustration: H asked me 2 break 1 of my rules, then I should sleep w/ her. Yes? Niccolo hit send. Viktor responded immediately: U mean sexting. right? Niccolo: Sexting? Viktor: Sex+texting. Niccolo: Idiot. real sex. Viktor: Dumbass! Then u lose chance 4 freedom. Niccolo: Have lost it already. I think. Viktor: K, then tell her who U R instead, ass.

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    U čoveku se kriju obe mogućnosti: svinja i svetac. Šta će neko ostvariti zavisi od njegovih odluka, a ne od uslova." Viktor Frankl: "Zašto se niste ubili

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    My heart, for unknown reasons, seems to freeze in motion in my chest. I can see he senses it and he holds his pause to enjoy my suffering, prolonging my ignorance. “Viktor, what?

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    Vad gjorde han med henne?" säger hon. "Hur mår hon?" Viktor stelnar till. Hon kan bara se hans rygg. "Du lovade", säger han knappt hörbart. "Du lovade att hålla henne utanför." "Jag försökte" Viktor vänder sig om. Hans blick är full av ilska. "Vet du vad Walter sa till henne?" säger han tyst. "' Jag ska inte göra nåt mot dig som du inte redan har gjort mot dig själv'" Minoo känner illamåendet stiga i halsen. "Han öppnade hennes ärr", viskar Viktor.

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    Although he was an ancient Viking, Viktor wasn’t “old school” as the younger vampires called it. Viktor embraced everything modern, and that included automatic handguns with custom made wooden bullets and quirky sayings like, “That’s right, bitches! Who’s your bad-dy?

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    -I gave you your life. -You gave me chains. -I thought you would have learned by now after all these years; you cannot have one without the other.

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    Any day now?” Viktor prodded. “Sì, sì. Do not get your…” Niccolo paused to recall the exact phrase. “Get your balls in a bunch.” Viktor shook his head. “Panties.” Niccolo frowned. “Why would you wear panties? Aren’t those for females?” Viktor growled. “Can we go now?” “Yes, but I insist you tell me more about your man-panties later.

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    Control, no. This place—I simply do not understand it. The humans here wear giant cocktail glasses around their necks and insert exorbitant amounts of money into little machines that light up. I still cannot understand, however, why they call them ‘slut machines.’ Is because they steal your money?” “I believe the correct name is ‘slot machine.’ They’re kind of fun…

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    Do you think he’ll ever forgive you for turning him into a Demilord before you put him to sleep in your piggy bank?” She shrugged. “Oooh. I hope not. I love conflict—World War Numero Dos…fucking awesome! Can’t wait for number three!

    • viktor quotes
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    I came from across the ocean and through the wilderness and landed here and found you hiding behind a tapestry. My fate was sealed at the sight of your stockinged feet. ~Viktor von Strassenberg