Best 15 quotes in «portal quotes» category

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    The enrichment center would like to announce a new employee initiative of forced voluntary participation. If any Aperture Science employee would like to opt out of this new voluntary testing program, please remember; science rhymes with compliance. Do you know what doesn't rhyme with compliance? Neurotoxin. Due to high mortality rates, you may be reluctant to participate in the new initiative. The enrichtment center assures you this is a strictly selfish impulse on your part, and why can't you love science like [insert co-worker's name here]?

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    Speaking of boxes... Do you know that thought experiment with the cat in the box with the poison? Theory requires the cat to be both alive and dead until observed. Well, I actually performed the experiment. Dozens of times. The bad news is reality doesn't exist. The good news is we have a new cat graveyard.

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    The enrichment center would like to announce a new employee initiative of forced voluntary participation. If any Aperture Science employee would like to opt out of this new voluntary testing program, please remember; science rhymes with compliance. Do you know what doesn't rhyme with compliance? Neurotoxin.

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    I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster." -GLaDOS, Portal 2 trailer

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    This is your fault. I'm going to kill you. And all the cake is gone. You don't even care, do you?

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    I think it's hard to have a brand portal and an economy of trustworthiness in one of them that sloshes over into another. But saying that there will be only a limited number of these giant brand portals doesn't mean a limited number of companies; it doesn't mean that everybody's going to be working for these companies. Quite the opposite. Most of us will be working through much smaller entities that simply use these portals as vehicles for getting and identifying customers.

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    The thirteenth search engine- and without all the features of a web portal, most people thought that was pointless.

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    The chakras are specialized energy centers which connect us to the multidimensional universe. The chakras are dimensional portals within the subtle bodies which take in and process energy of higher vibrational nature so that it may be properly assimilated and used to transform the physical body.

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    It is as though a portal in time has opened, and the Christians of the 14th century are pouring into our world.

    • portal quotes
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    Never try to get into society, so-called. Those who try seldom get in, and if they do edge through the portals they always feel clammy and unworthy when under the scrutiny of the elect. Sit outside and appear indifferent, and after a while they may sent for you. If not, it will be money in your pocket.

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    Yahoo today is not a portal. Yahoo today is a search engine.

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    To begin to understand your Soul as an integral part of yourself and begin to connect with your Soul as a part of your full being and your true nature, is the beginning of wisdom and the portal to true joy.

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    When life gives you lemons don't make lemonade, make pink lemonade. Be unique.

    • portal quotes
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    The Portal of God is nonexistence. All things sprang from nonexistence. Existence could not make existence existence. It must have proceeded from nonexistence, and nonexistence and nothing are one. Herein is the abiding place of the sage.

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    How are you holding up? BECAUSE I'M A POTATO

    • portal quotes