Best 8 quotes in «bulgakov quotes» category

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    Mikhaïl A. Boulgakov en a retenu un exemple très lumineux dans Le Maître et Marguerite. C'est dans ce livre que j'ai lu pour la première fois l'histoire du fléau des mouches qui ont tourmenté Jésus sur la Croix. La " tête couverte de sang et de plaies " a déjà été mille fois représentée en paroles et en peinture, mais personne n'a songé aux mouches avant Boulgakov.

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    I gatti che correvano qua e là intorno alla veranda avevano un'aria mattutina.

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    Mi consenta di chiederle come può l'uomo governare se non solo non può fare un piano di qualunque tipo, fosse pure per un tempo breve fino al ridicolo, diciamo mille anni, ma non può garantire nemmeno il proprio domani.

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    Annushka has already bought the sunflower oil, and has not only bought it, but has already spilled it.

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    Negrįžtamai pasitraukė, sekmadienio naktį gavęs atleidimą, karaliaus – žvaigždininko sūnus, žiaurus penktasis Judėjos prokuratorius raitelis Poncijus Pilotas

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    That's what we've been taught, this is the underpinning of all European culture-this firm belief that there are no secrets that won't sooner or later come to light. Who was it that said it? Jesus? No, Pascal, I think it was… so naïve. But this faith has been nurtured for centuries; it has sprouted its own mythology: the cranes of Ibycus, manuscripts don't burn. An ontological faith in the fundamental knowability of every human deed. The certainty that, as they now teach journalism majors, you can find everything on the Internet. As if the Library of Alexandria never existed. Or the Pogruzhalsky arson, when the whole historical section of the Academy of Sciences' Public Library, more than six-hundred thousand volumes, including the Central Council archives from 1918, went up in flames. That was in the summer of 1964; Mom was pregnant with me already, and almost for an entire month afterward, as she made her way to work at the Lavra, she would get off the trolleybus when it got close to the university and take the subway the rest of the way: above ground, the stench from the site of the fire made her nauseous. Artem said there were early printed volumes and even chronicles in that section-our entire Middle Ages went up in smoke, almost all of the pre-Muscovite era. The arsonist was convicted after a widely publicized trial, and then was sent to work in Moldova's State Archives: the war went on. And we comforted ourselves with "manuscripts don't burn." Oh, but they do burn. And cannot be restored.

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    Much has been written of the perceived "clash" between Islamic and western civilisations and of the need for reconciliation.... Sergei Bulgakov left a rich repository of economic thought that philosophically bridges a gap between the rationality of western market economies and the transcendent awareness of Islamic social structures. Bulgakov's philosophy of economy embraces ideas of freedom even as it recog- nises the need for "guidance" and the essential nature of economic relationships to the preservation of community. By engaging Bulgakov's economic ideas, westerners can better understand the apprehensions of intellectuals in traditional cultures concerning globalisation and the reticence of many Muslims to embrace it.

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    Beh, è veramente interessante", disse il professore sobbalzando per la risata, "che qui da voi, quale che sia la cosa di cui si parli, non esista niente".

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