Best 6 quotes in «where are you quotes» category

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    The difference between where you are now and where you will get to later defines your range of work which you have to be responsible for.

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    When I find her, she's standing by some boulders near the rim of her clearing. Ivy's holding a rock as she looks under it, as if she'll find me under there. "Ivy? I'm right here." She doesn't answer. She doesn't even turn around. She just sets the rock down and moves on to the next one, calling out my name. "Rylan?" "Ivy, I'm right behind you." Why won't she look at me? "I cannot find you...Rylan." Ivy talks to herself as she lifts up each rock. "Where did you go? Why are you...not here?" "But I am, Ivy. I'm right here." Ivy finishes searching under the rocks and for a moment gazes out into the dense trees. "Where are you, Rylan? Why am I...alone?" "You're not!" I cry out in frustration. "I'm right behind you! Just turn around and look!" She does. Ivy turns around and walks toward me until we're only a foot apart. But she isn't looking at me. She's looking over my shoulder, just like Dad. "Do you see me now?" I furiously waved my hands in front of her face. "I'm right here." When Ivy speaks again, she's talking to herself. "Rylan? Where are you?" She stretches out her hand and touches me with it. It goes right through me. Like I'm mist. Like I'm a ghost. Like I wasn't even here to begin with. "Ivy!

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    To be precise, I’d say you’re in the village of Hamlin. To be realistic, I’d say you’re exactly where you need to be.

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    Where were you when I undressed and told the tales of my day? Where were you when I was silent with God in prandial pray? Where were you when I recited love poems as I lay? Where were you?

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    You can’t be a big dreamer if you don’t where you are going. You can’t know where you are going unless you first know where you are.

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    A person without a purpose is a human being merely breathing because he does not know where he is, let alone knowing where he is going. Purposelessness is lifelessness.