Best 24 quotes in «so true quotes» category

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    He was tall and slim and had dark hair and young women found him fascinating. This sort of thing happens often enough, even with boys as mortal as dirt. There’s always one who learned how to brood early and often, and always girls who think they can heal him. Eventually the girls learn better. Either the hurts are petty little things and they get tired of whining or the hurt’s so deep and wide that they drown in it. The smart ones heave themselves back to shore and the slower ones wake up married with a husband who lies around and suffers in their direction. It’s part of a dance as old as the jackalopes themselves.

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    ..but she didn't understand and couldn't accept using that unhappiness as an excuse or rationale for being unfaithful. why didn't people just end it? if they wanted someone else, or something else, why not break it off clean first instead of cheating, lying, tolerating, just existing?

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    Cordelia looked at Edric. "Which way will lead to our respite, think you?" "I don't know, my lady," he admitted. There was a pause. "This way," Tania decided, heading off to the left and pulling him with her. "Why?" "It's downhill.

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    As much as I cared about him, I wasn’t a slave to fate. I could choose to ignore my feelings, strong as they were. It would be painful, but no more so than letting myself pine for my friend.

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    Being in love with your best friend is problematic.

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    Be ready at seven and I'll take you to dinner first." "First?" Just because I asked, didn't mean I plannedto go. I was a master at rationalization. "Before I take you home and fuck you until you forget your mother's name." "If I have any thought of my mama while you're fucking me, you're definitely doing something wrong.

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    I Can Be Alone and it's Okay.

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    I am Selfish I am Brave I am DIvergent

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    I got through it, and I wore it like a badge of honor—I Can Be Alone and it's Okay.

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    I had always thought that I was fine with being alone. Halfway through high school, I moved from Brazil to America, and it took me forever to make friends. I had culture shock of virtually every kind, besides which I was awkward, geeky, and shy. So I ate alone, telling myself that it was fine while I watched other people have normal conversations with their friends.

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    It's hard to leave anywhere. Even if the place sucked. It's hard to leave anywhere at all.

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    I know he’s a realist, he’s okay with being alone, and he helps people when he thinks no one is watching.

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    I was never one to care about how I looked on the outside. That wasn't the real me anyway. Not that I didn't appreciate the way I looked now, I just didn't feel it mattered, because how you look doesn't change what’s in your soul.

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    Insomniacs know that there is something about the night. A darkness, an energy, a mystery that shrouds things. It hides things at the same time as it illuminates them. It is this thing that allows us to examine our thoughts in a way that we can't during the day. It is this thing that brings truth and clarity.

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    I've found rumors have much in common with feathers. It's rare that either holds much weight.

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    I wish we had rocket launchers.

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    Na dodatek przejawiał tę samą denerwującą cechę, którą miał każdy czarny charakter w hollywoodzkich filmach. Zamiast przejść do rzeczy i zastrzelić głównego bohatera, musiał mówić tak długo o swoich planach, aż ktoś go zdąży obezwładnić. On po prostu nie potrafił się streszczać.

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    Sometimes you just have those days. When you know, from the moment you wake up, that everything you touch will break, so the less you touch, the better.

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    Sitting alone in the cafeteria would just scream “I’m the new girl. Everyone stare at me while I eat.

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    Sometimes you wait for the right time and you run out of time altogether.

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    The greater the pain, the greater the fun.

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    When the moment shifts, and you realize you don't actually want to be alone, that underneath the bravado is an ache that won’t quite fade away, you’re not only aware of how lonely you are, but how much you've been lying to yourself.

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    There is that moment when you are alone with a man and you both realize it. Alone together, there are always possibilities in that. There is a nearly painful awareness of each other. It can lead to awkwardness, to sex, or to fear, depending on the man and the situation.

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    You shouldn’t have to pretend to be as excited as I am just to make me happy. If it comes to that, you shouldn’t have to pretend to be anything around me. Friends should be real with each other