Best 2071 quotes in «awareness quotes» category

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    Our very awareness is the window upon which reality presents itself.

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    Pain redeems all. It is the awareness of life, a reminder of death.

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    Paraphrased: Among the degrees of the universal Manifestation, each sentient creature typically experiences an illusory sense of autonomy. At the same time, with or without the creature's awareness, the creature subsists eternally as an "immutable prototype" in the divine Knowledge.

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    Paranoia is a state of heightened awareness. Most people are persecuted beyond their wildest delusions.

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    paranoia is just a heightened sense of awareness

    • awareness quotes
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    Paying attention and awareness are universal capacities of human beings.

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    Peace is an awareness of reserves from beyond ourselves, so that our power is not so much in us as through us. Peace is the gift, not of volitional struggle, but of spiritual hospitality.

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    Perception not only defines existence but it creates existence. It gives it form. Without perception there is no existence.

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    Poems' deep work is a matter of language, but also a matter of life. One part of that work is to draw into our awareness and into language itself the unobvious and the unexpected.

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    Perfect paranoia is perfect awareness.

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    Perception defines everything.

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    Power is the active force in life. It is the force that makes awareness. The general term for spiritual power is kundalini. Kundalini is the energy of life that creates awareness.

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    Power will take us beyond the gravity field of the imprint.

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    Power itself is simply a word to describe attention, awareness, which embodies all things.

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    Raising awareness on the most pressing environmental issues of our time is more important than ever.

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    Raising awareness, changing the marketplace, effecting spiritual change - whatever it is that you decide is your thing, go for it.

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    Psychic awareness leads to a true perception not only of events, but just of life itself. It is its own raison d'etre.

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    Reincarnation is simply changing awareness. What you are reincarnating into are different states of mind. The whole show is on the inside.

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    Resting in Awareness, we transform all the 'stuff' of our lives.This is quotes copyright © By Pumpkin Limited

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    "Resting in awareness" is one of those phrases used a lot by people who practice mindfulness. But when I tried to do it, it wasn't restful and I worried I wasn't doing it right. I kept thinking about work.

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    Ritual disposal of the dead speaks clearly of an awareness of death, and thus an awareness of self.

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    Samadhi is the actual awareness of what you really are.

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    Searching all directions with one's awareness, one finds no one dearer than oneself. In the same way, others are fiercely dear to themselves. So one should not hurt others if one loves oneself.

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    Security and contentment can come only through interdependence of every man upon every other man.

    • awareness quotes
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    Seeking love keeps you from the awareness that you already have it—that you are it.

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    Self-awareness can't be built on looking at our pluses and minuses before we look at the most basic essence of what we are.

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    Self awareness allows you to self-correct.

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    Self-awareness is one of the rarest of human commodities. I don't mean self-consciousn ess where you're limiting and evaluating yourself. I mean being aware of your own patterns.

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    Self-awareness is a key to self-mastery

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    Self-leadership is about awareness, tolerance , and not letting your own natural tendencies limit your potential.

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    Sense-perceptions can only be indirect knowledge, and not direct knowledge. Only one's own awareness is direct knowledge.

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    Sellars's "myth of Jones" is deployed against what Sellars calls "the myth of the categorial Given": the idea that to be aware of something is to be aware of it as something. This short circuit between "awareness of" and "awareness as" inhibits the project of self-understanding because it perpetuates the assumption that there is a point where being and knowing coincide.

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    Self-awareness includes awareness of your body.

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    Self is the perception of perception. Beyond self there's no perception of perception.

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    Sexual awareness is part of growing up. When you're growing up, you can't get away from sex.

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    Self-awareness is value-free. It isn't scary. It doesn't imply that you will subject yourself to needless pain.

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    Shift your awareness.

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    Simply put, mindfulness is moment-to-moment non-judgmental awareness.

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    Tantric Zen is the awareness of the infinitude of all things. To gain that awareness, to be it, is enlightenment.

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    Simply bringing awareness to the process of breathing initiates the release of peptide molecules from the hindbrain to regulate breathing while unifying all systems.

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    Since puberty I've always had this strange awareness that all the keener experiences I would have in my life would happen later than it would to my contemporaries. When it came to the career thing, I never worried about it. It's better if you're still peaking when you're 60, which I feel I am.

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    So many people are expecting a miracle instead of BEING a miracle.

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    Someday perhaps the inner light will shine forth from us, and the we'll need no other light.

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    Stairs elevate you; ethics elevates you; goodness elevates you; awareness elevates you; wisdom elevates you.

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    Survival of the fittest can take us only so far; competition and aggression have brought us to the brink of self-destruction. What is needed now is survival of the wisest. You can participate in this shift by expanding your own awareness.

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    Tantra involves radical change, a change in states of awareness.

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    Tenderness between people is nothing other than awareness of the possibility of relations without purpose.

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    That which is creative must create itself.

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    The 3 A's of awesome: attitude, awareness and authenticity.

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    The awareness of our environment came progressively in all countries with different outlets.