Best 5 quotes in «be a good person quotes» category
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be who you would be if your shadow had eyes.
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If you want to enjoy the goodness of life, you at least have to be a good person.
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Don’t complain. Be a good person in this wrong world and transform it.
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In this business, it's not what you know, or even who you know. It's who knows you, that makes all the difference.
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I implore the atheist not to judge the religious and I implore the religious to not find fault with the atheist. Be a good religious person, or be a good atheist person. How? By putting an end to faultfinding. All do what they believe in their best interest to do and with a little insight and understanding, all can see that the only way anyone can do any good service to the world, is by being thankful for what is been given him, by looking inwards to correct his own faults instead of the perceived faults of others, and by keeping his eye upon his own horizon; not upon the perceived horizons of anybody else.