Best 6 quotes in «hard choices quotes» category

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    But the world I wanted wasn’t the world I lived in, and if I would do nothing until I could repair every terrible thing at one, I would do nothing forever.

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    It takes women to bring men to their senses

    • hard choices quotes
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    The strongest soldier cannot balance long upon the blade that does divide his honor and his heart, and whatever way he falls, the cut will kill him.

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    If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything.

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    If I may...Let me explain, Eliza. Zev is right and time is running out. It is the only possible outcome, the only one that will save everyone. Even if you stay, it won’t change anything. We’ll still die and then the Union will consider us defective, as we were unable to protect you. They will most likely decide to Wipe us all.” Eliza’s eyes widened. “That’s not fair. It is my choice to stay.” “And choices have repercussions.” He responded, in a gentle tone that bellied his harsh words. Talk about a rock and a hard place. If she left, they will sacrifice themselves and die for her. If she stayed, they will die because of her. The only difference leaving made was that she and Zev would live. Probably.

    • hard choices quotes
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    Papa, why are you selling our goats? I like these goats." "A week ago the price was five hundred, now it's four hundred. I'm sorry, but we can't wait for it go any lower." Mankhalala and the others were tied by their front legs with a long rope. When my father started down the trail, they stumbled and began to cry. They knew their future. Mankhalala looked back, as if telling me to help him. Even Khamba whined and barked a few times, pleading their case. But I had to let them down. What could I do? My family had to eat.