Best 153 quotes in «fairytale quotes» category

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    From a human point of view, out bodily existence is a fairytale. At any rate, to the inhabitants of the human world, 'heaven' and 'the next world' are both nothing but fables.

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    Good morning! The sun is up! Wake up! Time to eat," said the birds. "Good morning," Ashlynn said back. There was a clink of glass slippers against the wood floor, and then her mother appeared in the doorway. She had the same strawberry-blond hair and green eyes as Ashlynn. Her mother was already dressed, but Ashlynn didn't notice the clothes she was wearing. As always, her eyes went right to the glass slippers. Oh, how she loved those shoes. "Chores, dear!" her mother said, leaning over to kiss the top of Ashlynn's head. "And then you should pack." "Yes, Mother!" Ashlynn washed her face, put on an apron, and then opened wide the door to her shoe closet. This princess wouldn't care if she wore a burlap sack every day, so long as she had dozens of footwear choices. Today she settled on a pair of scrappy teal wedges and went to start breakfast. Even though her father's grand house came fully stocked with servants, her mother believed in good, solid, character-forming chores. After all, Ashlynn would inherit her mother's story and become the next Cinderella someday, and there would be lots of floors to mop and hearths to sweep before her Happily Ever After.

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    Gillie was grinning at the boy's indignant anger. He put a hand on the pages shoulder and looked coldly at Augusta. "Do you call my page a liar, old woman? And who are you to speak of this lady as your charge? My page is no liar, just as Thursey is not your charge. Not in any way. She is your landlord, for it is her inn you occupy. And it is to her you will answer for its keeping. She is beholden to no one, unless it would be the people of Gies in the same manner as I am—for she may be their princess soon. If she is willing," he added gently.

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    Gillie caught Delilah's hand before it struck, and held it firmly in his own. He stared at her for a long time, but said nothing. Then at last he spoke softly, "Don't you hurt her. Not ever. If you ever hurt her I will come back and witch you, old trollop, and you will wish you had never been born." His words were so soft, so measured, and so filled with meaning that a shiver went through the room.

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    Her eyes were as blue as the summer sky, her lips full and sensual. A golden-brown tax enhanced her immaculate complexion. She wore a white halter-neck top, which stretched tightly over perfectly formed breasts. Flowing blonde hair cascaded around her bare shoulders. She was, thought Paris, very nearly the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. Such a pity that, from the waist down, she was a horse.

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    Halló la espada y la armadura enterradas a diez pasos bajo tierra, enredadas en las raíces de un árbol oscuro partido en la antigüedad por un rayo certero, donde habían anidado diez cuervos de garras blancas.

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    Here's to real heroes, not the ones who carry us off into the sunset but the ones who help us choose our princes." - commentary on Castles on the Sand

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    His tiny toes wiggled as they were ready to go.

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    He looks like a fortress, once strong and powerful, but now crumbling and broken. If a wind swept into the room, I am sure he would fall to pieces.

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    How's daydreaming affecting nightmares?? Showing the light where is all dark!

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    Hope is like a balloon. It seems like it swells up just so someone else can pop it in your face.

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    I believe in a world where love can still catch you off guard and where the best part is the falling stage. Those shy glances, the racing heart, flushed cheeks, and the butterflies? That's magic. ~Sarah Brocious on More Than Scars

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    I always thought that falling in love should feel like jumping from a cliff. A fall that scares you as much as it excites you, that leaves you breathless and wanting more. The impossible kind … that ruins you for everyone else. This wasn’t it, and my chances of finding it have just become harder. I am not the same girl that I was before. Finding that special guy prepared to carry my load with me, would be one in a million, a fairytale come true, and just maybe, an impossible dream…

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    I don't want you to be lonely," Cedar couldn't help saying. "Or hungry! You two always forget to go shopping till the cupboards are bare. I'll be right back." She grabbed some baskets and ran out of the house. Old Mother Hubbard's Corner Market was always open early, so Cedar filled her baskets with Pinocchio's and Gepetto's favorite foods: bread, fruitcake, sardines, and humble pie.

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    i have realized that love is not a fairytale love we wanted. "Why should we care if we're not being love wholly by a man because there is only ONE MAN that will love you wholly and unconditionally irrespective of our imperfections is Jesus Christ because a love on earth not going to last. I don't have time to maintain these regrets because the only love i deserve is from HIM

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    How close to the moon does the tooth fairy soar with her arms so full she can hold no more? Could the tiny bright stars that hang in the sky be the teeth that fell down as she flew by?

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    If it occurred to Thursey that there was really no relationship between marrying your own true love and having a fortune showered upon you, she didn't bother about that. In a story you might as well have both, it was make-believe anyway. But if I had to choose, she thought. If I had to choose . . . she stared at her ragged dress hanging from its hook, and her ragged mended sandals on the shelf, then put the books away. How would I ever have such a choice, except in a made-up story?

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    I knew from that moment on that all the fairy tale bullshit I was fed by Disney and everyone else was nonexistent. I stopped looking for it, got more realistic, and I’ve been fine. Until now,” I look up into Corbin’s eyes. “Until you.

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    I liked the air I was breathing, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with my head,” I assured him with a giggle. “Will you kiss me again?” I flirted sweetly.

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    I’m Detective Piper of the Fairyland Metro Police, and I've been called in to investigate the incident of the missing frog prince…

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    I never said I love you because I knew he would understand it differently. I loved him, and I still do, but it was as a chapter. It wasn’t as a fairytale ending.

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    I met Baba Yaga at the end of childhood – past pigtails and fairytales, but not quite ready to give up on make-believe.

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    I marched to the head Elf. “Where’s the frog?

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    I shivered. The story was true. The Wizard of Oz had been real. Dorothy Gale had really been swept up by a tornado and brought to the Land of Oz. True, what I was living now didn't seem like the kind of storybook tale I was used to. But it didn't mean they didn't exist.

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    It began with the Christmas tree lights. They were candy-bright, mouth-size. She wanted to feel the lightness of them on her tongue, the spark on her tastebuds. Without him life was so dark, and all the holiday debris only made it worse. She promised herself she wouldn't bite down.

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    It's too early for strawberries. But the clearing is filled with their leaves and their little white flowers, like fallen stars. The wishing well was covered, too, so that only someone who knew it was there would have really noticed it. It looks like a barrow under the green; somewhere fairies or goblins might live.

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    It was impossible not to fall in love with him.

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    I say, " Things happen for a good reason.

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    It was your personality that consumed me. You became my favorite. My favorite of them all…

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    I will do everything I can to be the man that you want, the man that the seven-year-old you used to dream about. I will bring you flowers, I’ll take care of you when you’re sick, I’ll give you space when you need it and I’ll never leave your side when you want someone there. I want to be better than I am because of you, Paisley.

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    I want to tell you all of myself, show you the nicks and dents and scars of my life, and have you love me even though I be grievously flawed.

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    Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the hottest bitch of all?

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    Mirror, mirror on the wall, Who is the fairest one of all?

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    Mirror mirror on the wall, Show me the one who can conquer it all

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    Morning and evening Maids heard the goblins cry: 'Come buy our orchard fruits, Come buy, come buy

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    Love is a fairytale blah, blah, blah.

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    Mortals aren't born strong, they become strong.

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    My father lost me to the Beast at cards

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    My life written as a theater production would be considered a tragedy. My life written by the good times experienced, would be considered a fairytale.

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    Mary Poppins is not a fairy-tale." "She's even better!" said Alfred loyally. "She's a fairy-tale come true.

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    Muse’s creations are predominately lyrical often resulting in poetic sonnets and fairytale like art.

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    My names were hand-me-downs too: girl, the creature, or, most often, you there.

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    On a cloudless night, inky dark, with only a rind of a moon above, the Golem and the Jinni went walking together along the Prince Street rooftops.

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    No one on this earth simply succeeded in stopping feelings from running wild, and surely not because his or her thoughts wanted it badly.

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    One kiss,” he murmured against her cheek. The tight knot within him begged for release. She swallowed. “I…do… don’t know.” “I will nae beg for one, Eve.” He nuzzled the skin below her ear, making him crave her even more. “Yes,” she whispered.

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    Sad really.” Avenant mused. “Trevelyan was part of a majestic race. Doomed and enslaved by lesser beings, but majestic, none the less.” His gaze swept over the rest of the group with a sigh. “I know the feeling well.

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    Never grow up!

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    Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life love knocks our doors, enters our lives & changes it forever. You start believing in dreams, you start making wishes & you start to trust your heart even more! That love holds your hands & makes you feel you are safer than ever; that love makes you believe that nothing can go wrong now; and oh that warm hug, which makes you want to spend your entire life then & there! That’s when you realise you are not living an ordinary life, but it’s a fairytale!

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    Possibly, she thought, the pool of answers was limited. There are fewer answers in the world than questions, and if you ask me now why that is so, I must tell you that there is no answer to that question.

    • fairytale quotes