Best 6 quotes in «love warrior quotes» category

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    By the time we landed in the hospital, most of our families considered us insensitive liars, but we didn't start out that way. We started out as ultrasensitive truth tellers. We saw everyone around us smiling and repeating "I'm fine! I'm fine! I'm fine!" and we fund ourselves unable to join them in all the pretending. We had to tell the truth, which was: "Actually, I'm not fine.

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    Why are they all laughing? What is so funny? I can't imagine what was ever so funny. And why we are all just standing around in this room? Is this what we've been doing for the past decade? Just standing around? I can't imagine what was ever so interesting about this. Still, I desperately want back in. I want back into their worlds, but I don't have the booze I need to get there. I stay in a corner, and I can't handle wallowing in my awkwardness and unbelonging for another moment, I tell Craig that he needs to take me home. On the way out I stare at the vodka, whiskey, and rum bottles on the counter and I think, There I am. My personality, my courage, and my sense of humor are trapped inside those bottles and I can't get to them. I am not in here, I am in there. What is the point of getting sober if I don't even like my sober self?

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    Please, no. Let's stay here with our precious cups and drink safely alone. Everything is perfect. Why must you always ruin drinking by adding scary people and things?

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    I don't know how to fix my marriage. All I know is that I need ot tear down my own walls and face what's underneath. I cannot save my marriage but I can save myself. I can do that for me and for my children and for every relationship Ihave now and for everyone that comes in the future. I can do that so when I make the most important deision of my life, whether to stay with Craig or to leave him, I'll know that it's my strongest, healthiest self doing the deciding.

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    Nurtured by negative circumstances, braiding raging tornadoes in her hair, she held her head high, wearing her weathered poetry with pride.

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    The music is a safe place to practice being human

    • love warrior quotes