Best 9 quotes in «tarzan quotes» category

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    P38- little tarzan, which was the name they had given to the tiny lord greystoke and which meant white skin

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    Captain Billings," he drawled finally, "if you will pardon my candor, I might remark that you are something of an ass, don't you know.

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    I feel another argument coming on.” His mocking amusement might not have shown on his face, but she could feel it in her mind. Jacques simply lifted her and tossed her over his shoulder. “No way, you wild man. You aren’t Tarzan. I don’t like heights. Put me down.” “Close your eyes. Who is Tarzan? Not another male, I hope.” The wind rushed over her body, and she could feel them moving fast, so fast the world seemed to blur. She closed her eyes and clutched at him, afraid to do anything else. His laughter was happy and carefree, and it warmed her heart, dispelling any residue of fear she carried. It was a miracle to her that he could laugh, that he was happy. Tarzan is the ultimate male. He swings through trees and carries his woman off into the jungle. He patterns himself after me. She nuzzled his back. He tries.

    • tarzan quotes
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    Two worlds one family

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    The natives knew better than to screw around with Tarzan. He was one bad dude. Lions, rhinos, just him and his knife. Great penthouse and elevator. Wouldnt last long in Brooklyn. Busted for indecent exposure. Me Tarzan you Judge. That is absolutely correct, and you are going to do sixty days. Try dressing as Beau Brummel the next time. Next case!

    • tarzan quotes
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    Yes, your man, Jane Porter. Your savage, primeval man come out of the jungle to claim his mate--the woman who ran away from him," he added almost fiercely.

    • tarzan quotes
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    The magnificent diamond locket which hung about Tarzan's neck, had been a source of much wonderment to Jane. She pointed to it now, and Tarzan removed it and handed the pretty bauble to her. She saw that it was the work of a skilled artisan and that the diamonds were of great brilliancy and superbly set, but the cutting of them denoted that they were of a former day. She noticed too that the locket opened, and, pressing the hidden clasp, she saw the two halves spring apart to reveal in either section an ivory miniature.

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    This woman? Mine. Because I’m hers. Heart, body, and soul. She’s it. I’m done.

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    You're still like a chocolate cupcake while I'm that weird lemon-white chocolate cookie people always pick last because it's weird.