Best 6 quotes in «boring people quotes» category

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    Only boring people get bored, says Dad. Interesting people can always find something to be interested in.

    • boring people quotes
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    ... Our language, tiger, our language: hundreds of thousands of available words, frillions of legitimate new ideas... And yet, oh, and yet, we, all of us, spend all our days saying to each other the same things time after weary time: "I love you," "Don't go in there," "Get out," "You have no right to say that," "Stop it," "Why should I," "That hurt," "Help," "Marjorie is dead.

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    Rag, Tag & Bobtail always seem to manage life better and have better control over their finances, but to me they’re stuck inside the box of time-honoured and long-established attitudes and beliefs. They are dull, rigidly conventional and humdrum.

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    The longest walk of your life does not happen when you walk great distances lonely but it happens when you walk very shortly with the boring people!

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    Choose carefully. Avoid Rag, Tag & Bobtail. Avoid those who play it safe. They won’t offer a helping hand, and they can’t advise you. They’re boring, and that’s just about all that can be said about them. They are dead and obsolete. That’s it. They exist, they happen, but they don’t actually live.

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    Don’t box your children in and tell them that everything is a sin. You’ll produce either rebels, or very boring people.