Best 578 quotes in «investment quotes» category

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    Inflation is the crabgrass in your savings.

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    In some settings, however, rampant opportunistic behavior severely limits what can be done jointly without major investments in monitoring and sanctioning arrangements.

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    Investment banks manage to go bankrupt through their investment-banking activities, commercial banks manage to go bankrupt through their commercial-banking activities.

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    Investment decision should be made on the basis of the most probable compounding of after-tax net worth with minimum risk.

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    Investment must be rational; if you can't understand it, don't do it.

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    Investment success accrues not so much to the brilliant as to the disciplined.

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    Investments are like trains, and if you miss one, don’t worry because another one will come down the line.

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    Investors have to ask themselves two questions. How much can we grow our investments? And, can we afford our mistakes?

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    Investment decisions and personal decisions don't wait for the picture to be clarified.

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    Investigate carefully before you invest. Spend as much time researching the investment as you spend earning the money.

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    Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. It will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you.

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    Investments - particularly those that involve the change of control of a company - only work when they work well for all parties involved.

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    Investment in infrastructure is a long term requirement for growth and a long term factor that will make growth sustainable.

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    Investment is not only volatile, it is the key motor of the economy's prosperity because it has a snowball effect.

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    I personally - if I were designing the tax code - would have a tax code in which Mitt Romney paid more than 13 percent, given what I know about the kind of investments he made money from.

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    It has been estimated that even in the absence of net investment, the mere substitution of modern machinery for worn-out equipment in the United States would cause an annual productivity increase of approximately 1.5 percent.

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    I think of my business and investments as extension of my family.

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    In the European context tax rates are high and government expenditure is focused on current expenditure. A "good" consolidation is one where taxes are lower and the lower government expenditure is on infrastructures and other investments.

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    I think that it's an inexact science, but the trick is this: not to quit on anything too soon. All of this takes time. It's an investment.

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    It is important for investors to understand what they do and don't know. Learn to recognize that you cannot possibly know what is going to happen in the future, and any investment plan that is dependent on accurately forecasting where markets will be next year is doomed to failure.

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    It is not the return on my investment that I am concerned about; it's the return of my investment

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    It is the rate of investment which governs the rate of saving, and not vice versa.

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    It never was my thinking that made the big money for me. It always was my sitting.

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    It's useful to be able to recognize whether you're on track or not. To have that belief, but also paranoia about am I tracking against my investment thesis.

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    I think that Governor Romney operates on the capital gains tax, his investments, what he lives off of instead of doing it off of his income.

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    It's not an investment if its destroying the planet.

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    It takes 150 years to build an investment bank and only five minutes to convince you to sell me preferred stock in it at a 10% interest rate.

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    It's the investor who is risky, not the investment.

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    I've always been pleased with the investments I've made with my friend Albert Frere and I regret not having followed him more, because I would have been a lot richer.

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    I think the market driven economic system is the most productive system, but to have that work in the world, you've got to also have social investments to go along with that.

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    I've never invested in any airline. I'm an airline manager. I don't invest in airlines. And I always said to the employees of American, 'This is not an appropriate investment. It's a great place to work and it's a great company that does important work. But airlines are not an investment.'

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    I’ve made money in real estate, hotel, and restaurant investments.

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    Ladies and gentlemen: There can be no greater investment in Alabama's future than an investment in education.

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    I've made my best personal investments when I've been a user of the product. Like Apple. The epiphany for me came when I purchased my fifth iPod and I hadn't unwrapped my fourth. It was still in the plastic case.

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    I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems.

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    Korea is an open society and we will make sure that there is no restriction on foreign investment in Korea.

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    Life insurance became popular only when insurance companies stopped emphasizing it as a good investment and sold it instead as a symbolic commitment by fathers to the future well-being of their families.

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    Literature is an investment of genius which pays dividends to all subsequent times.

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    Liverpool will be the most profitable investment I've ever made.

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    Lethargy, bordering on sloth should remain the cornerstone of an investment style.

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    Major investment decisions have become too important to be left to the private sector.

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    Make love to every woman you meet; if you get five per cent of your outlay it's a good investment.

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    Loss avoidance must be the cornerstone of your investment philosophy.

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    Life grows relative to one’s investment in it.

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    Making an investment decision is like formulating a scientific hypothesis and submitting it to a practical test.

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    Market price, while used exclusively to value our investments in minority positions, is not a relevant factor when applied to our controlling interests.

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    Marketing is an investment, not a cost.

    • investment quotes
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    Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.

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    Maybe Governor Romney in the spirit of openness should tell us how much money he's made off of how many households that have been foreclosed by his investments.

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    Most business schools are geared toward churning out investment bankers and management consultants.