Best 6 quotes in «wannabe quotes» category

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    Here’s the thing - in this damned century, you’ll meet a lot of people who do a lot of things. What’s funny is the fact that the most desirable attributes of these people are nothing but developed and cultured thoughts. And these things come naturally to people who shine bright. The other guys just try to ape these thoughts, in an embarrassing attempt to recreate some of that magic. Sadly,- what looks beautiful as a natural quotient can be extremely funny and disgusting when replicated manually. Stop replicating feelings; else you’ll turn into one of those duplicate personalities. They’re wannabes. You don’t have to become one!

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    Our best analyst thinks it's not a tactical design. Something for mall ninjas.... Young men who dress to feel they'll be mistaken for having special capability. A species of cosplay, really. Endemic. Lots of boys are playing soldier now. The men who run the world aren't, and neither are the boys most effectively bent on running it next. Or the ones who're actually having to be soldiers, of course. But many of the rest have gone gear-queer, to one extent or another.

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    I can be anything you want but definitely not a wannabe.

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    She pretends to be an actress, even though she hasn’t even done enough acting to be a wannabe. But she’s a real Academy Award winning manipulator.

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    You’re not more punk because you wear leather jackets. You’re not more metal because you have long hair. You’re not more rock and roll because you have tattoos

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    Trying to please everybody is what you'll soon get tired of, because as time goes on, those you're pleasing will get tired of you.