Best 4 quotes in «phrase quotes» category

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    Holy batch of cookies, my shoulder hurts!

    • phrase quotes
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    I didn't just come in on a load of turnips!

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    If there is “better”, then there is a “best”. If there is “half”, then there is a “complete”. Far more than being a “better half”, you can be a “best complete”; like a word/phrase that beautifies and gives meaning to a sentence when it is added.

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    Un Mot gribouillé sans réfléchir sur une Page Peut stimuler un Œil Quand enveloppé dans les plis de l'éternité Son Auteur Ridé reposera L'Infection se développe dans la phrase Nous pouvons inhaler le Désespoir Comme, venant du fond des Siècles, La Malaria -