Best 2129 quotes in «united states quotes» category

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    Our top story, in 'Threat Matrix Reloaded' news ... Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Muller held a press conference today to announce that Al Qaeda is planning attacks somewhere inside the United States at sometime in the future. So go about your normal lives, but with a vague sense of foreboding.

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    Our strength as a nation comes in our unity. We are the United States of America, not the divided states. And those who want to divide us are trying to divide us, and we shouldn't let them do it.

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    Outsourcing, information technology revolution, the access to India's human resources, India's pool of scientists. It will help American companies to become leaner, meaner, more efficient, and they become more competitive, both in the United States and in dealing with the rest of the world.

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    Over time I began to realize that the level of cinema criticism in the last part of XX century in the United States was pretty low. The institution itself is not what it's supposed to be, and I realized that I didn't need to take that seriously.

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    Pakistan is an old ally of the United States.

    • united states quotes
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    Pakistan's being an ally and helping the United States, we ought to show Pakistan that we are appreciative for the help that's been extended.

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    Pakistan was once called the most allied ally of the United States. We are now the most non-allied.

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    Parochial schools in the United States are also responsible for educating students from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds, including many who are non-Catholic.

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    Particularly here in the United States there is a lack of comprehension about anything to do with the United Nations.

    • united states quotes
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    Partners like the United States and Germany must always discuss all issues, including these questions. I welcome the fact that a discussion over legitimate methods of questioning and interrogation is taking place in both Germany and the United States.

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    Parts of the United States are taking on a Third World look.

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    Paul Martin talks eloquently about defending national sovereignty but the reality hasn't matched the rhetoric. When it comes to the United States, Mr. Martin says he calls them as he sees them, but when it comes to American passage through Canada, he doesn't actually see anything.

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    People in the United Kingdom and outside the United States share my bemusement with the United States that America doesn't share with itself.

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    People [in US] are starting to rethink this idea of empire, this idea of the United States being this superpower, the hegemon, is not working, and we can't afford it anymore.

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    People love steak all over the United States.

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    People say we need royalty. We have royalty in the United States - the Kardashians.

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    People should remember that Mexican migration is now at a net negative. More Mexicans are leaving through deportation and voluntary return than are entering the United States legally and illegally.

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    People taking photographs of their meals are not critics; they are from the United States.

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    Perhaps the best thing which can be said about newspapers in the United States is that they are in chronic disagreement with each other. That is what is meant by a free press.

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    Please, accept the most sincere words of sympathy over the natural disaster that affected the United States . I know that hurricane Katrina that hit the US south-western coast led to casualties, left homeless dozens of thousands of US citizens and inflicted a strong damage to the economy of this region. I ask you to convey my condolences to the next of kin of those killed,.

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    Persisting social crisis, the emergence of a charismatic personality, and the exploitation of mass media to obtain public confidence would be the steppingstones in the piecemeal transformation of the United States into a highly controlled society.

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    Plants and factories are already starting to move back into the United States, and big league Ford, General Motors, so many of them.

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    Poor Mexico. So far from God and so close to the United States.

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    politics and religion in the United States work like the twin grips of a pair of pliers on a critical mass of the masses.

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    [Pope Francis] symbolically took the migrant south-north route to the United States by going to Cuidad Juarez on the border with Texas, and there he spoke of the human dignity of immigrants.

    • united states quotes
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    President Obama has been clear about the future that the United States seeks... when it comes to the Asia-Pacific, the United States is all in.

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    Poverty" Pitt exclaimed "is no disgrace but it is damned annoying." In the contemporary United States it is not annoying but it is a disgrace.

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    President Bush failed "miserably" at diplomacy, forcing the United States into war.

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    [President] needs to engage them in a very personal way. And he needs to tell them that this is something that America, the United States of America, needs. Not Republican. It's not Democrat. It's America.

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    President Obama’s approval ratings are so low now, Kenyans are accusing him of being born in the United States.

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    Progress is only possible if the United States and its allies work together.

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    President Roosevelt's leadership put the world on notice that the United States of America - with the freest, most dynamic economy the world had ever seen - was open for business.

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    Prior to the meeting, there was a prayer. In general, in the United States there was always praying.

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    Puerto Rico is not a full part of the United States. We're a territory or a colonial territory.

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    Putin is a despot, and he's a very good despot. And he will see things in a narrow way. What is good for Russia? That is what he will do. If that's represented by a move toward the Baltic, that would be very dangerous, but he would do it, on the assumption that he would ask himself the question: I am prepared to fight for Estonia. Is the United States? Is Germany? Is Britain, France?

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    Racial discrimination is illegal. It's illegal in the United States. It's illegal in Arizona. It has been and it will continue to be.

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    Quite clearly this is a human disaster of enormous proportions. We have tens and tens of thousands of displaced people across the United States,.

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    Quite often, the people who do leave their own nation and come to an unknown destination, like the United States, are inherently adventurous, so we've had that adventurous spirit that has embedded itself collectively in the American consciousness.

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    Putin has a lot at stake here and restoring the relationship with the United States, and there are already signs as Sandy mentioned that he's moving in the right direction to begin to ascertain that their trade with Iran is not used for the production of nuclear weapons.

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    Remember that God ordained that I should be the next president of the United States. Neither you nor any other mortal or mortals could have prevented this.

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    Real wages for male workers in the United States are about what they were in the '60s.

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    Regrettably, it has become clear that torture of detainees in United States custody is not limited to Abu Ghraib or even Iraq. Since Abu Ghraib, there have been increasing reports of torture.

    • united states quotes
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    Remember, the U.S. is a powerful state, it's not like Libya. If Libya wants to carry out terrorist acts, they hire Carlos the Jackal or something. The United States hires terrorist states.

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    Resolved, That the General Assembly of Virginia, doth unequivocally express a firm resolution to maintain and defend the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of this State, against every aggression either foreign or domestic, and that they will support the Government of the United States in all measures warranted by the former.

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    Republican voters believe we should have a lawful system of immigration that serves the national interest. They don't believe we should enter into - commit the United States to further globalist policies that diminish the sovereignty and freedom of American to act in its own interest.

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    Republican secretaries of state from Kissinger to Baker, Powell to Rice, President Bush, 71 United States Senators all supported President Obama's new START treaty, but not Mitt Romney.

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    Right now, the Anglo people are desperately trying to hold on to the United States, like they tried to hold on to Africa

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    Right after 9-11, as far as I know, one newspaper in the United States had the integrity to investigate opinion in the Muslim world: the 'Wall Street Journal.'

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    Running a business is not the same as being president of the United States.

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    Ronald Reagan will be remembered for leading the United States during a time of tremendous international transition - the demise of the Soviet Union, the Berlin Wall coming down, and the end of the Cold War