Best 159 quotes in «obamacare quotes» category

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    The Democratic party in Louisiana just continued to move father and farther away from basic American values and farther away from the voters of Louisiana. And much farther away from me. So I just couldn’t take it anymore. And recently, there was some comments made in the Senate, the comments were that if anyone opposes what we frequently call Obamacare, if anyone opposes it, they do so only because the President is an African-American, and therefore, that position is racist. My mother, who’s 103 years old, called me on the telephone when she heard that. She said ‘Boy, I don’t want you to be involved in anything like that. I hope you disassociated yourself from that’ and I was on the verge of doing it anyway, and that was just the last straw,

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    This is the opposite of the free market.

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    All of my employees are having a tremendous problem with Obamacare.

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    After President Obama announced his support for net neutrality yesterday, Texas Senator Ted Cruz tweeted that 'Net neutrality is Obamacare for the Internet.' While Ted Cruz continues to be the Taylor Swift of not getting over Obamacare.

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    A new report shows that medicare and Medicaid made more than $50 Billion in bad payments during fiscal year 2011. Under Obamacare, that'll become known as 'Tuesday.'

    • obamacare quotes
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    Before they went on vacation, Congress voted to exempt themselves from Obamacare. They gave themselves a special exemption because they thought it was too expensive. So the people who voted for Obamacare for us voted to exempt themselves from it. You know how doctors take the Hippocratic Oath. Congress apparently takes the 'Hypocritic Oath.'

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    2017 would be a disaster for Obamacare. That's the year it was meant to explode because Obama won't be here.

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    All of which raises another question: If Obamacare is so great, why do so many people want to get out from under it?

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    As a matter of fact, one of the things in Obamacare is that for the elderly, every five years you must have end-of-life counseling. Translation: suicide counseling.

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    Average, middle-class people, the people of Macomb County, couldn't afford health care. Now they can [with Obamacare].

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    Barack Obama is incompetent. All he wants to do is campaign, and the last thing he wants to happen is to have Donald Trump terminate Obamacare.

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    Before Obamacare you had a lot of people that were very, very happy with their health care. And now those people in many cases don't even have health care. They don't even have anything that's acceptable to them.

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    Being part of the campaign, we put up front in all of Donald Trump's speeches for the last two or three weeks not the FBI but ObamaCare. That seems to me to be the thing that moved the votes in Michigan, that moved the votes in places where we otherwise Pennsylvania, Wisconsin.

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    But just because we can't fix Obamacare doesn't mean we can't start to get rid of its worst features. On Thursday, the House will take up a bill to define 'full time' as 40 hours per week, so more people can work full time.

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    Congratulations to President Obama on being reelected president of the United States. Turns out it is not all bad news for the Republicans. It seems that depression is covered by Obamacare.

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    Both referred to the Affordable Care Act, which is the accurate title of the health care reform law, as 'Obamacare.' That is a disparaging reference to the President of the United States, it is meant as a disparaging reference to the President of the United States.

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    Donald Trump has every intention to repeal the Affordable Care Act, as much because it's known as Obamacare [as because he wants] to try and deconstruct the legacy of President Obama. But that has implications that mean women who were accessing family planning and contraception as a preventative service with no co-pay will lose access to that coverage. We [will] only see an exacerbation of the things we were engaged in trying to prevent - like unplanned pregnancy and the need for abortion, which creates a societal dilemma.

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    Donald Trump is gonna immediately start canceling some executive orders and repealing Obamacare.

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    [Donald Trump] said that even though he wants to repeal and replace ObamaCare, he might want to preserve some parts.

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    Con artists are using Obamacare confusion to sign people up for fake health insurance. The scammers lure victims with false promises like, 'If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan.' The scammers will tell you that, so you have to be careful.

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    [Donald Trump] campaigned on repealing Obamacare.

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    [Donald Trump] has specified - he has specified a contract with his voters that range - that has a lot of things on it. It ranges everything from repealing Obamacare to backing out of trade deals to undoing all the executive actions.

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    Even Bill Clinton admitted Obamacare is the craziest thing in the world, where people wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half.

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    Every Republican is on record as saying Obamacare is unacceptable, intolerable, and they're gonna do everything they could to keep it from happening. But, at the moment of truth, they're not.

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    Even former president Bill Clinton calls Obamacare a crazy plan. But Hillary Clinton and Tim kaine want to build on Obamacare. They want to expand it into a single-payer program and for all the world, Hillary Clinton thinks Obamacare is good start.

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    Each and every day, more people pay the price of Obamacare's mountain of mandates. As I travel across the country, I continue to hear from Americans who want Washington to take its hands off of their healthcare.

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    Every Republican that I know of ran on the full repeal of Obamacare...The voters have spoken.

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    From the takeover of Detroit and the failed stimulus packages to the enactment of Obamacare, the president and congressional Democrats chose to use Americas economic crisis as an excuse to expand government rather than as an opportunity to responsibly shrink it.

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    FACT: Nothing in Obamacare forces people out of their health plans.

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    Fully repeal Obamacare and replace it with health savings accounts. And we can do that.

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    First of all, legally, it's hard to do these things[ get rid of ObamaCare]. Donald Trump needs a lot of competent people.

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    Hillary Clinton wants to keep Obamacare and she wants to make it even worse, and it can't get any worse. Bad health care at the most expensive price. We have to repeal and replace Obamacare.

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    Health care - we need health care for our people. We need a good - Obamacare is a disaster.

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    Hillary Clinton has promised to build on President [Barack] Obama's policies. That means build on Obamacare, build on Dodd-Frank, build on the regulations coming out of the EPA. If that's the case, that will not be good for the economy.

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    From the conservatives, the - the battle cry for the last couple of years, especially from people like Ted Cruz, was repeal ObamaCare, every single word of ObamaCare. That is not the message from Donald Trump.

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    Hillary Clinton wants to extend the Obamacare rule that healthcare companies cannot discriminate against women and charge them more than men for their healthcare. [Donald] Trump wants to get rid of Obamacare.

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    If I had been under ObamaCare, and a beaurocrat had been trying to tell me when I could get that CT scan, that would have delayed my treatment. I was able to get the treatment as fast as I could based upon my timetable, and not the government's timetable. That's what saved my life.

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    I don`t use much Obamacare, I must be honest with you.

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    If President [Barack] Obama - President [Donald] Trump shows up with a, you know, cleaver and just says, I can get rid of all these regulations, I can get rid of ObamaCare, no problem at all, then that would be a mistake.

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    I got all the respect in the world for the front-runners in this race, but ask yourself: If we replace a Democratic insider with a Republican insider, you think we're really going to change Washington, D.C.? You don't have to settle for Washington and Wall Street insiders who supported the Wall Street bailout and the Obamacare individual mandate.

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    If Romney wants to make me responsible for ObamaCare, I've said I would be proud to be responsible for it.

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    If Obamacare is allowed to stand - and Congress is allowed to make the purchase of government-endorsed health insurance compulsory - there will be no meaningful limit on Washington's reach into the lives of the American people. That is certainly not what the Founders intended.

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    In Pennsylvania, 38 percent of Pennsylvania seniors chose to get their Medicare from a plan called Medicare Advantage. It's their choice. Forty-seven percent of them are going to lose it under 'Obamacare' according to Medicare by 2017.

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    I haven't heard Obama ask us for our consent when he's trying to ram Obamacare down our throats.

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    In terms of President Trump, I really do hope that he does accomplish some of the things he said on the campaign trail. If he is willing to make investments in infrastructure, but not on the backs of the middle class and the working class, and put people back to work, that would be a good thing. If he's serious about making Obamacare better, and not pulling the rug out from 20 million Americans who benefit from it, that would be a good thing too.

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    In the very next election, the American people elected 63 new Republicans to the House of Representatives - the largest sweep of Congress for any party since 1948. Even liberal Massachusetts elected a Republican senator solely because of his vow to vote against Obamacare.

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    I remember having meetings with Republican senators who initially had been trying to engage [Obamacare] but saw that the politics of 'no' were growing inside the Republican Party.

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    In all of these years, you know, the Obamacare bill itself had been written for 30 years and it's a Democrat wet dream. They've had it in a drawer modifying it for decades waiting for somebody to come along and actually implement it and sign it.

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    I think Obamacare has now taken over almost from regulation, which is ridiculous what's happening with overregulation, as the biggest single problem for opening and keeping businesses going.