Best 259 quotes in «facebook quotes» category

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    A casa mia, la frase "non ci riesco" non si dice" me l'ha insegnato uno dei miei eroi, il suo nome é Maradona.

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    44 percent of college-educated white women and 54 percent of college-educated white men voted for Trump. Stop pretending you care about people of color or LGBTQ people or Muslims in your saccharine Facebook posts. Turning your profile pic into a rainbow for Pride Month doesn’t undo the fuckery you unleashed upon LGBTQ people when you voted for Trump. Being LGBTQ yourself doesn’t give you a free pass either." From "The Challenge of Staying Hopeful in the Age of Trump," The Advocate, April 28, 2017

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    A fleeting second on someone's news feed, No dearth of meanings for those who read, Not my stories but 'tis what I think, I say I don't write poems, I just write dreams.

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    A fundamental approach to life transformation is using social media for therapy; it forces you to have an opinion, provides intellectual stimulation, increases awareness, boosts self-confidence, and offers the possibility of hope.

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    A global system that links 2.2. billion people across hundreds of countries, allows every user to post content indiscriminately, develops algorithms that favor highly charged content, and is dependent on a self-service advertising system that precisely target ads using massive surveillance and elaborate personal dossiers cannot be reformed at the edges.

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    Amazing, life-altering anonymous picture quotes on FaceBook: Are they created by graphic designers who steal quotes or don't bother to research the author, or are they original and just have exceptionally less ego than I do? Cos if I ever write something that brilliant it's gonna have flashing headlights.

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    Although it might seem as though anonymity, invisibility, and other such distancing factors grant us the freedom to engage in more authentic forms of self-expression than we're usually permitted, [John] Suler warns against the temptation to regard disinhibition as "revealing of an underlying 'rue self." He suggests instead that the inhibited self and disinhibited self are simply different *sides* of the *same* person. So Suler challenges the intuitive notion that whatever inhibits us thereby diminishes the authenticity of our self-expression.

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    Another Definition For Facebook - A place where people can share their feelings and others can like it even if it's a sad feeling or a happy one.

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    And does Alan have a last name?" I asked. "Probably," said Curtis, "but we have a 'if you have to ask, you don't need to know because I don't want to friend you on Facebook' policy.

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    An observation that people who live permanently in an adoptive country tend to progressively generalize the bad and particularize the good, that is, attribute the bad traits in people they encounter to the national trait of the natives, and the good things to the individual. This holds equally well for French people living in the U.S. as it does for Americans living in France.

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    Anyaele Sam Chiyson's Law of Passion States that You must have a longing to succeed in accordance with your desires. Your intense, high-wrought emotion that compels you to action must be high-powered to enable you become fervent and excited to do what is required by the terms of so as to make your desires a success. Get ready to follow through your innovations. Create your structures! do things right to a turn and ardently carry your strategies to a successful completion and accomplish your desires.

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    An endless series of gambits backed by gigantic investments encouraged young people entering the online world for the first time to create standardized presences on sites like Facebook. Commercial interests promoted the widespread adoption of standardized designs like the blog, and these designs encouraged pseudonymity in at least some aspects of their designs, such as comments, instead of the proud extroversion that characterized the first wave of web culture. Instead of people being treated as the sources of their own creativity, commercial aggregation and abstraction sites presented anonymized fragments of creativity as products that might have fallen from the sky or been dug up from the ground, obscuring the true sources.

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    Another day. How long are you gonna scroll down? Semicolon Smile

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    Anyaele Sam Chiyson's Law of Confidence States that Until you accept the consciousness of your powers or of reliance on your comfortable circumstance as true, you will not be able to experience the feeling you need to manifest your adequacy an reliance on yourself, and your powers to have all things come out well and favorably for you according to your plans and desires.

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    A Wall for the Mexican border was passed, and billions approved in 2006 [H.R. 6061 (109th): Secure Fence Act of 2006] , with the votes of Senators Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Ouch! Facts hurt.

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    As long as you believe that you can achieve and progress in it you will succeed

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    A wounded animal yet bears teeth

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    As for human contact, I'd lost all appetite for it. Mankind has, as you may have noticed, become very inventive about devising new ways for people to avoid talking to each other and I'd been taking full advantage of the most recent ones. I would always send a text message rather than speak to someone on the phone. Rather than meeting with any of my friends, I would post cheerful, ironically worded status updates on Facebook, to show them all what a busy life I was leading. And presumably people had been enjoying them, because I'd got more than seventy friends on Facebook now, most of them complete strangers. But actual, face-to-face, let's-meet-for-a-coffee-and-catch-up sort of contact? I seemed to have forgotten what that was all about.

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    Chicos del salvajes oeste (2013) Estoy de vuelta en un dulce cuerpo de cervezas y libélulas negras. Las censuras de tu mundo han perdido su equilibrio en los brutos que no puede mimar. Y el sol se ha devorado a si mismo como un mendigo en tu instagram En verdad, tu gravedad de arco iris es el mal… Ni un tren diesel limón puede escapar. Solo recuerda que estoy aca. Y que ningún mendigo puede jamás perder el equilibrio: todos usan facebook o instagram. Pero yo estoy aca! Hola sucia Perra! Hola universo fatal!.... A mi, no me puedes mimar! Estoy de vuelta en un dulce cuerpo de cervezas y libélulas negras A mi no me puedes mirar!.

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    Been living on this earth for so long now and still don't know what a happy life feels like. I'm ready for a change.

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    Books are a uniquely portable magic when you have USA Facebook likes

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    Brands that will survive and thrive from now on are those with C-level executives that understand the incredible opportunity new media offers them and commit to excellence in managing their social media presence.

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    But like the best empire builders, he was both very determined and very skeptical. It’s like [former Intel CEO] Andy Grove says, ‘only the paranoid survive.

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    By early 2004 Tickle had become the second-largest social network after Friendster, with two million members actively connected to others and exchanging messages.

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    By timbre, temperament, and sheer force of personality, Donald Trump is the ideal manifestation of Facebook culture. Trump himself uses Twitter habitually both as a bully pulpit and as an antenna for reaction to his expressions. Twitter has a limited reach among the American public, and his off-the-cuff, unpracticed, and untested expressions could do him more harm than good. But Facebook, with its deep penetration into American minds and lives, is Trump’s natural habitat. On Facebook his staff makes sure Trump expresses himself in short, strong bursts of indignation or approval. Trump has always been visually deft but close to illiterate. His attention span runs as quickly and frenetically as a Facebook News Feed. After a decade of deep and constant engagement with Facebook, Americans have been conditioned to experience the world Trump style. It’s almost as if Trump were designed for Facebook and Facebook were designed for him. Facebook helped make America ready for Trump.

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    „Cei 5 P ai rețelelor sociale: Google+ este pentru pasiuni; Facebook este pentru persoane; LinkedIn este pentru prospectare; Pinterest este pentru poze; Twitter este pentru percepție. Hai să-l vedem acum pe Philip Kotler cum poate să o întreacă pe asta.

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    Cohler advertised for summer interns, then sometimes told promising applicants when they came for an interview that Thefacebook was only hiring full-timers.

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    Because while we all Facebook stalk, protocol is to not admit it. I might know, from status update, that a potential best friend swims laps every mornings, but it'd be creep to say "Don't worry about eating that doughnut, you deserve it after all those calories you burn!" Instead, I check out her profile and she reviews mine, but then we meet and pretend to know nothing.

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    Before social networking platforms, people needed to know you to know your name. Today, people only need to know your name to know you.

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    Being on Facebook as an Author and listing your books is like being a tiny single word in a giant dictionary! If people don’t search for you they don’t find you. They don’t take notice of you. They don’t even know you exist! Thats the hard reality of Socialmedia!

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    Being on Facebook too much in a row is like playing chess in a black hole. You never know if the next move will lead you to a checkmate or a mate checked.

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    Definition of "Success" may differ upon persons, places and time or situations but the easiest way to grab it cherishing & following only one lesson among all learnt by one through out his life.

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    Demand" is the fuel that accelerates every invention.

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    Despite its revolutionary promises, Facebook can turn our everyday lives into that wedding we have all heard about: the one where the bride chooses her prettiest friends, not her best friends, to be bridesmaids. It can feel like a popularity contest where being Liked is what matters, being the best is the only respectable option, how our partners look is more important than how they act, the race to get married is on, and we have to be clever all the time. It can be just another place, not to be, but to seem.

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    Discuss internet rules to follow with friends and family. Use the site as a reference. Set boundaries. Share.

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    Discover the fulfillment of intimate relationships with flesh-and-blood neighbors and teammates in concrete place and time, and we escape the pressure of mainstream media to channel intimacy only as virtual embrace.

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    Don't promote negativity online and expect people to treat you with positivity in person.

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    Don't allow gadgets to replace games.

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    Don’t give special place to any one in your heart. Its easy to give that place but it hurts more when they don’t know the value of that place.

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    “Everybody is in trouble with my dad. My dad only sort of gets the Internet. My dad started looking up all his old enemies on Facebook. My dad picks big flamewar fights. It’s like my dad just discovered that people can talk about politics without his permission. Facebook is like his new drug, he’s getting all sweaty and manic... Farfalla, is Facebook the work of the Devil? Google is ‘not evil,’ but nobody ever said that Facebook was ‘not evil.’”

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    Embrace the social media and utilize it wisely to promote your brand. When you optimize the social media, you may go offline, but your brand will never go off-track.

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    Eve is said to be less direction-oriented; she navigated Adam wrongly.

    • facebook quotes
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    Dragnet surveillance capitalists such as Facebook, Comcast, AT&T and Google, unfortunately, supply these manipulating forces with an endless supply of metadata for this information war against the American and European public.

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    Extremism will generate both positive and negative reactions, or “engagements.” Facebook measures engagement by the number of clicks, “likes,” shares, and comments. This design feature—or flaw, if you care about the quality of knowledge and debate—ensures that the most inflammatory material will travel the farthest and the fastest. Sober, measured accounts of the world have no chance on Facebook. And when Facebook dominates our sense of the world and our social circles, we all potentially become carriers of extremist nonsense

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    Everyone thinks they're entitled to their 15 minutes of fame. And it's that narcissism that makes people, who have no business writing a book, think they can write a book.

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    facebook ads have a simple promise – you make an ad, you target it to a very specific demographic, your ad instantly reaches millions of people and if even a small percentage of those convert that’s still a shitload of sales.

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    Facebook does not favor hatred. But hatred favors Facebook

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    Facebook is addicting to some people they get a rush off them likes.

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    Facebook is a place where you share your favourite poetry, quotes, songs, news, and social activities, and reports. You can like something, you can comment, you can make humour in a civilised way. It is the social media, but it is not a place to love or to be loved. Any lover does not exist here and nor anyone is a serious one in this regard. Just enjoy and do not try to fool any person if you do that, it means you are making yourself a fool. It is the wasting of time, and your defeat too.

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    Facebook is big. Bigger than Justin Bieber or Ashton Kutcher's Twitter following. Hell, it's even bigger than obesity and possibly just as lethal!