Best 9 quotes of Camille Lucy on MyQuotes

Camille Lucy

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    Camille Lucy

    Challenges that go along with our desires are simply there to make sure we are ready and really want what we have asked for. We are all instruments of the divine, the possibilities within us are endless. Putting expectations aside, we allow ourselves room to really experience these miracles as they unfold.

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    Camille Lucy

    Ending a relationship doesn't end the love that was shared. Love doesn't ever die, it just morphs. Love is eternal. Allowing love to move freely rather than try to force it to be something it's not is the only way to find peace. Gratitude is the first step to happiness and peace. Accepting someone is not what you wanted them to be doesn't make anyone “bad” or “wrong.” That's love. Accepting the whole. Letting go out of love takes courage. Staying safe is of the ego. Entrapment is of the ego. And fear. And letting go simply means allowing everyone to be who they are and to live the life they came here to live.

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    Camille Lucy

    In life and love, there are no impossibilities.

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    Camille Lucy

    It’s a beautiful moment when you finally shift into knowing something you have been believing. This 90-day adventure was that for me. I shifted into truly accessing all of this information I had read, believed and otherwise accepted as truth. Accessing the information, and exploring it, allowed me to live it firsthand. What was once simply an energy of thought has solidified into concrete truth. Into knowing.

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    Camille Lucy

    Life is about learning and growing. Experiencing. Self-expression. And overall, living love in all forms. Our soul’s evolution is dependent upon embracing, and becoming, unconditional love. Acceptance is an important part of that if we wish to avoid resistance and human drama. At the end of the day, we all just want to feel good and be happy. And attaining that is all that matters because then, we can be the highest versions of ourselves. The ups and downs of life are what make it real for us. The ups and downs that we experience within ourselves are what make us real, and human. In order to fully live each and every day, we need to open to all of life and all of ourselves. Resistance puts a kink in that seamless plan and brings us more of what we do not want.

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    Camille Lucy

    Many situations in your life will re-open what's been shut off or down, forcing you to see what's been left behind and the emotions that come with that. That's natural and necessary for processing and healing. Meeting all of your experiences with resistance keeps you stuck in the past. You live and die with the closing of each chapter.

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    Camille Lucy

    Perhaps real love doesn't recognize a person, it recognizes a space in another. Space that allows us to show and receive love. Space that is supportive of self-expression. A safe space. It looks past the exterior human “shell.

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    Camille Lucy

    Real love is sort of like faith. It’s so big, and so divine, we just have no idea how to conceptualize it or put it into words. It’s so much bigger than us, yet it is us. That’s right, we are love. We are magnificent love and light, poured into physical form. We - love - are much like the sun, radiating in a world free of limitations and fear.

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    Camille Lucy

    Sharing love is personal to us. It begins within us. Then we seek to extend it outwardly. In relationships, what happens longterm is determined by each person’s ability to receive and give love. If our love and all of us is accepted and reciprocated, something beautiful happens (if it isn't, deterioration of the relationship begins). I now believe that the "love of your life" is someone that transcends any other love experienced prior and becomes that person you've had the most love and adoration for. It’s such a commonly used phrase. But, I finally understand it. The love of your life is the person with which you share real, unconditional love and all its blessings.