Best 51 quotes of Jozef Simkovic on MyQuotes

Jozef Simkovic

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    Jozef Simkovic

    After they have reached the highest state of knowing, many spiritual beings understand everything in their manifested universe. At that point, they usually decide to integrate back into the Ultimate Creator. They create intentions to dissolve into the complete Oneness where individual awareness and identity are not needed nor desired, by Gardener.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    After they have reached the highest state of knowing, many spiritual beings understand everything in their manifested universe. At that point, they usually decide to integrate back into the Ultimate Creator. They create intentions to dissolve into the complete Oneness where individual awareness and identity are not needed nor desired.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    A question sometimes brings an answer, but it always creates another question, by guides.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    A question sometimes brings an answer, but it always creates another question.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    Awareness was created by the intervention of the Creators. Awareness inspires intention and intention creates drive, by Gardener.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    Consciousness has no units. We can say it is like a fluid or gas, but without quantification, by Starman.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    Dreams are distorted during the hypnagogic state when you are waking up and returning to your body. That is why they are often seemingly very bizarre and weird. By connecting to their originators, you can discover their true meaning, by Jozef.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    Everything in all manifested universes is composed of strings. They are created immediately after a Big Bang and they rapidly multiply like viruses or bacteria until they are brought under the control by dark matter and dark energy.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    For the mind, there is no true separation from God. Even though it looks like you are separated, you are always connected. God or Consciousness is always a whole, it is One. In manifestation, you create Many, by Gardener.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    For the mind, there is no true separation from God. Even though it looks like you are separated, you are always connected. God or Consciousness is always a whole, it is One. In manifestation, you create Many.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    God as the Source of Everything is the stillness and the separation of the Soul from the Source is enabled by bubbling. When God creates an intention to release a new Soul, the process can be very intense, almost violent. That is what was happening in your dreams. You know about the primordial soup and the beginning of the creation of biological life. Likewise, there is a primordial soup for the creation of souls, by Starman.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    God creates another local Big Bang and another universe only when a big enough mass of Super-Loosh has been accumulated.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    God is feeding on the Loosh. When the amount of Loosh reaches above critical mass, new creations are triggered. When the amount of Loosh declines below a critical mass in a specific locality, collapses follow, by Gardener.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    God is not micromanaging the life of anybody on Earth, just like you are not micromanaging the life of one cell in your body. The Ultimate Creator is managing only the important parts of the whole, like you are moving your limbs or affecting other parts of your body with your thoughts and actions, by Gardener.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    God is not micromanaging the life of anybody on Earth, just like you are not micromanaging the life of one cell in your body. The Ultimate Creator is managing only the important parts of the whole, like you are moving your limbs or affecting other parts of your body with your thoughts and actions.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    God is not punishing anybody! Such a belief is the biggest bogus idea created by those who control a variety of religions on the planet. God is The Ultimate Creator inspiring us through unlimited Love, by Jozef.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    Gravity and time are local, and they are maintaining the balance in the bubbles. However, anomalies in the local gravity fields and times can destroy complete planetary systems and civilizations.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    Here is your sign, your omen, Earthling!” said Ra. He suddenly was holding a big clear bag full of golden coins. He turned it upside down and emptied it. The golden coins changed first to dust and then to nothing. “You see, the subject of your obsession changed to dust. In the true reality, money means nothing.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    I can now simply say that consciousness can be stretched out of the body like a giant piece of chewing gum without the need to have any defined diameter or length of the connection with the body.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    If you are in manifested matter, you must include consciousness; you cannot ignore its existence. If you are here where I am, you must understand the manifested Universe. And, many here don’t understand that world of yours, by Gardener.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    I need to say here that most of the people on Earth have no idea what they would do in heaven, even if all there would be of pure gold. Ask yourself what you would be doing there and how long that activity would be enjoyable. Because heavens are simply Belief System Territories, I suggest that you consider the possibility that there is far more out there than any heaven you might try to imagine from this side, by Jozef.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    I need to say here that most of the people on Earth have no idea what they would do in heaven, even if all there would be of pure gold. Ask yourself what you would be doing there and how long that activity would be enjoyable. Because heavens are simply Belief System Territories, I suggest that you consider the possibility that there is far more out there than any heaven you might try to imagine from this side.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    It appears to me that the only choice you cannot affect is your transition to the spiritual world. It is going to happen irrespective of whether you do or do not believe in it, you don’t like it, or you don’t even want it. If you believe that your physical death means the end of everything, you might be surprised that it does not, by Jozef.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    Love has no boundaries and hate has no boundaries. Joy has no boundaries and sadness has no boundaries. You can find unlimited Love and joy, or unlimited hate and sadness in the deep corners of the Milky Way galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy. But you can also find unlimited Love and joy or unlimited hate and sadness on the tip of your own finger. A balance between observing, involvement, and acceptance is a very necessary condition for learning how to Love, by Ruala.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    Love is the spice of life, sex is the spice of love and ceremony is the spice of sex, by Ruala.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    Love is the spice of life, sex is the spice of love and ceremony is the spice of sex.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    Love is the spice of life, sex is the spice of love and ceremony is the spice of sex - Ruala.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    Never mind how sophisticated your computer, smartphone or tablet is, it cannot replace the importance of the intimate process of recording by hand into a good old-fashioned diary - by Jozef.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    Our limitations on this planet are only determined by our earthly vehicles, our physical bodies. We exist only in the present. And this knowing, which we can gain only through personal experience, is our ultimate spiritual security.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    Seeing into two dimensions at the same time requires a lot of special energy, and we can do it for you only when it has an important meaning and purpose, by guides.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    Seeing into two dimensions at the same time requires a lot of special energy, and we can do it for you only when it has an important meaning and purpose.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    Some say that there is an unlimited sea of pure consciousness without any form whatsoever beyond the Stargate, by Ruala.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    Supreme consciousness is first, because it is the One and it is stillness. It is the Source; it is God. Intention is created from the stillness as a driving force which shapes, and forms thought. Thought can move energy and energy can move matter, by Gardener.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    The basic consciousness structure is perfectly organized according to the principles of sacred geometry, even though the physical structure of the Universe looks to be very random.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    The conclusion of many of the scientists on the Earth that consciousness is not involved in the expanding of the physical universe after what they call the Big Bang is an illusion, by Hadien.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    The I-There Cluster is an elementary unit of Global Consciousness or One or God or Source. It is at the bottom of the tree of the hierarchical Divine Structure of Consciousness. The I-There Cluster is the hovering Higher Selves of spiritual beings incarnated on a planet, by Jozef.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    The Loosh is flowing back to God, the Ultimate Source; and it is our payback for the gift of our creation, and the gift of Love we are receiving from God.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    The progress of humanity shall continue to be somehow limited until science recognizes and includes consciousness into its very important and valuable work. And the mainstream media must stop ignoring spiritual explorers and making fun of them. A worldwide public and open discussion about consciousness and our true essence is overdue to happen.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    There are no limits in the growing and there are no limits in the shrinking. There is no limit in the speed. There is only vibration and spinning. There is spinning into bigger and spinning into smaller. Spinning into shrinking can go well beyond the quantum unit. There is simply no smallest unit, no smallest anything, by Hadien.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    The worst evil inspires magnificent good, unlimited hate inspires unconditional Love, and the deepest desire inspires peaceful compassion, by Cluster Council Chairman.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    Time and space are just illusions. As such, they can be overcome by a focused intention exercised by the power of the mind.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    True Love is not monkey love, it is not blind, and it does not expect anything in return. Love is flowing like a breeze on the beach and Love connects like a kiss or hug. Love simply is, by Gardener.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    We must relearn how to love because, by incarnating into this denser and material world, we tend to forget more and more just why we were created.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    What is truly real is Consciousness, because it is One, always was and always will be. The universes and you come and go. There are Many, so they must be temporary illusions. Only One exists in the eternity of the Now and, therefore, only One is real, by Gardener.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    With spiritual communications, you must be free of any expectations, you must be completely open minded and polite and grateful. Then, the possibilities for learning and growth are boundless and the downloads of information will flow smoothly - by Jozef.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    With spiritual communications, you must be free of any expectations, you must be completely open minded and polite and grateful. Then, the possibilities for learning and growth are boundless and the downloads of information will flow smoothly.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    You can comprehend and understand local, but you cannot absorb the essence of the unlimited sea of consciousness which is God. Likewise, you cannot absorb and fully understand the unlimited sea of manifested matter and energy. In order not to go crazy, you have to think local, by Gardener.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    You can say that all energy, matter, universes and your body were created. The One was not created; the One exists, and the One does not need creation, by Gardener.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    Your species on the planet was created with the intention to love one another. And all of you had the same chance to do that when you were conceived. But you people twisted it and love on your planet became a matter of individual choice. Some people choose to love, others do not. Love is universal, and it is the most powerful force in the Universe. By making it a matter of choice, you disrespected the intention of God, by one of the guides.

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    Jozef Simkovic

    Your species on the planet was created with the intention to love one another. And all of you had the same chance to do that when you were conceived. But you people twisted it and love on your planet became a matter of individual choice. Some people choose to love, others do not. Love is universal, and it is the most powerful force in the Universe. By making it a matter of choice, you disrespected the intention of God.