By AnonymHenry Spencer
Altruism is a fine motive, but if you want results, greed works much better.
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By AnonymHenry Spencer
Belief is no substitute for arithmetic.
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By AnonymHenry Spencer
If I must be ruled by larcenous bullies, I much prefer that they be located far away. Local bullies know far more about me and my doings than faraway bullies sitting in offices in Washington, and can oppress me far more effectively.
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By AnonymHenry Spencer
If you lie to the compiler, it will get its revenge.
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By AnonymHenry Spencer
MS-DOS isn't dead, it just smells that way.
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By AnonymHenry Spencer
Politics /n/: from 'poly ticks', short for 'many small bloodsucking insects'.
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By AnonymHenry Spencer
Programming graphics in X is like finding the square root of PI using Roman numerals.
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By AnonymHenry Spencer
To err is human, but to really screw things up requires a design committee of bureaucrats.
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By AnonymHenry Spencer
Indeed, "brute force" solutions are often characteristic of advanced cultures, not primitive ones. The Romans and their predecessors spent a long time figuring out how to build arches... and virtually all our buildings today use post-and-lintel construction, precisely what the arch was devised to replace. We have better materials and more money, and given that, arches are usually not worth the extra complexity.