Best 21 quotes of Faith Hunter on MyQuotes

Faith Hunter

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    Faith Hunter

    Admitting that Katie had taken too much blood was on par with saying an adult human had pooped their pants or eaten their own boogers!

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    Faith Hunter

    Alarm stole over me on little kitten feet.

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    Faith Hunter

    Back to work. If I’m [writing] I’m not thinking about the crazy.

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    Faith Hunter

    Beast had once informed me that humans were hunters only by luck and because they had opposable thumbs.

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    Faith Hunter

    But nothing in life was set in stone and nothing in life is promised us. Not happiness, not joy, not love. Everything was variable and mutable and inconstant.

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    Faith Hunter

    Chicken, yeah, that's me. I'd rather fight an old rogue-vamp in my underwear, with my bare hands, than deal with relationship problems.

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    Faith Hunter

    I figured even the most jaded and cynical inhabitant might report a bloody girl in a party dress carrying a severed head by its hair.

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    Faith Hunter

    It looked to me like a vamp version of a pissing contest. Men will be boys.

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    Faith Hunter

    My yoga practice was and will always be a spiritual experience. I can honestly say, "Yoga delivered me back to GOD!

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    Faith Hunter

    Really sucked the red off of all my candy.

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    Faith Hunter

    Vamps who are dying, or think they are, give a piercing, eardrum-bursting shriek, like the love child of a screech owl and a mountain lion on crystal meth, amplified like a seventies rock band.

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    Faith Hunter

    Walk softly and carry a big stick. Or stomp loudly and carry enough firepower to start a small war. Whatever worked

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    Faith Hunter

    You gonna put on your big-girl panties and fight with the boys, now?” He looked over his shoulder as if he expected me to blush or something. “Who says I wear panties?” I was certain that he flushed red this time. Laughing, I left him shaking his head and went on inside to find the Kid. We had work to do.

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    Faith Hunter

    Baptized in a river when I was a teenager. I go to church most Sundays. My favorite Bible verse is ‘Jesus wept.’” “Because it’s the shortest?” He almost smiled. “No. Because it says that Jesus knew what it meant to grieve. He’d just let his best friend in the world die of illness when he could have gotten there in time to save him. I’m thinking he was between a rock and hard place, and the hard place let his friend die. He grieved. Then, when he could, he went and raised his friend from the grave, and he knew that if he did that, he’d die himself.

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    Faith Hunter

    From upstairs Molly shouted down, “You try carrying a baby for nine months while chemicals and hormones run through your body making you nutso and fat and swollen and then push an eight-pound lump of squalling human out through an opening big enough to fit a straw in and see if you don’t react from time to time. Until then, shut your trap.

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    Faith Hunter

    Hey, uh, you know. Um. If you’re alive, uh, call me." I looked at the screen and said, "It's Jane." I closed the phone, thinking, Lame. I am so lame.

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    Faith Hunter

    I also know about running away," I said, "when staying around is so much harder. And I know the happiness, the"-I searched for a word and had to settle on- "the joy when sticking around and fighting things mean I get to keep the people I love near me.

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    Faith Hunter

    I have no way to properly toast you, my Jane. The appropriate toast for a new Blood Master of a clan is from the jugular of a virgin boy or girl, with the words ‘Long undeath, prosperity, scions, blood, and cattle.’” I looked at my beer. “Yeah. Beer is better. And how about ‘Live long and prosper.

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    Faith Hunter

    I love you, Nell, sugar. I love you with no demands. Nothing held back. I love you to the exclusion of all others. I love you now, when you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I loved you when you were a tree. I will love you when you grow gray haired and your leaves are brittle and brown. I want to make love to you. When you happen to be ready. When you know you love me that exact same way.

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    Faith Hunter

    I've spent all the years since full of guilt and misery, even though I didn't remember it. I've let it run my thoughts, my plans, my whole life. But the experience doesn't own me. I own it. What I do with it is up to me, just like what Molly does with her death magic is up to her.

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    Faith Hunter

    Yes. Knock and it shall be opened to you. The gift of wisdom can be found, if one wishes to search for it, and is willing to be altered by it. It is not a gift given without cost or transformation, nor one to be used lightly.