By AnonymPaul Cezanne
All my compatriots are asses compared to me.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
All my life I have worked to be able to earn my living, but I thought that one could do good painting without attracting attention to one's private life. Certainly, an artist wishes to raise himself intellectually as much as possible, but the man must remain obscure. The pleasure must be found in the work.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
All pictures painted inside in the studio will never be as good as the things done outside.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
All the theories mess you up inside.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
An art which isn't based on feeling isn't an art at all... feeling is the principle, the beginning and the end; craft, objective, technique - all these are in the middle.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
An art which isn't based on feeling isn't an art at all.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
An optical impression is produced on our organs of sight which makes us classify as light, half-tone or quartertone, the surfaces represented by colour sensations. So that light does not exist for the painter.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
Art first of all is optical. That's where the material of our art is: in what our eyes think.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
Art is a harmony parallel with nature.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
A thousand painters ought to be killed yearly. Say what you like: I'm every inch a painter.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
A work of art which did not begin in emotion is not art.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
Chatter about art is almost always useless.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
Design and color are not distinct and separate. As one paints, one draws. The more the colors harmonize, the more the design takes form. When color is at it's richest, form is at its fullest.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
Don't be an art critic. Paint. There lies salvation.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
Doubtless there are things in nature which have not yet been seen. If an artist discovers them, he opens the way for his successors.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
Drawing and color are by no means two different things. As you paint, you draw... When color is at its richest, form is at its fullest.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
Drawing and color are not separate at all; in so far as you paint, you draw. The more color harmonizes, the more exact the drawing becomes. When the color achieves richness, the form attains its fullness also
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
Everything in nature is formed upon the sphere, the cone and the cylinder. One must learn to paint these simple figures and then one can do all that he may wish.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
Everything in nature takes its form from the sphere, the cone and the cylinder.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
Everything vanishes, falls apart, doesn't it? Nature is always the same but nothing in her that appears to us lasts. Our art must render the thrill of her permanence, along with her elements, the appearance of all her changes. It must give us a taste of her Eternity.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
For an Impressionist to paint from nature is not to paint the subject, but to realize sensations.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
Fruits ... like having their portrait painted. They seem to sit there and ask your forgiveness for fading. Their thought is given off with their perfumes. They come with all their scents, they speak of the fields they have left, the rain which has nourished them, the daybreaks they have seen.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
Genius is the ability to renew one's emotions in daily experience.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
Get to the heart of what is before you and continue to express yourself as logically as possible.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
Here, on the river's verge, I could be busy for months without changing my place, simply leaning a little more to right or left.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
Here on the edge of the river, the motifs are very plentiful, the same subject seen from a different angle gives a subject for study of the highest interest and so varied that I think I could be occupied for months without changing my place, simply bending a little more to the right or left.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
I advance all of my canvas at one time.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
I am a pupil of Pissarro.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
I am beginning to consider myself stronger than all those around me, and you know that the good opinion I have of myself has only been reached after mature consideration.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
I am progressing very slowly, for nature reveals herself to me in very complex forms; and the progress needed is incessant.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
I am still searching for the expression of those confused sensations that we bring with us at birth.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
I ask you to pray for me, for once age has overtaken us, we find consolation only in religion.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
I cannot attain the intensity that is unfolded before my senses. I have not the magnificent richness of colouring that animates nature.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
I could paint for a hundred years, a thousand years without stopping and I would still feel as though I knew nothing.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
I'd like to combine melancholy and sunshine... There's a sadness in Provence which no one has expressed... I'd like to put reason in the grass and tears in the sky, like Poussin.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
If isolation tempers the strong, it is the stumbling-block of the uncertain.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
If I think, I am lost.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
If I were called upon to define briefly the word Art, I should call it the reproduction of what the senses preceive in nature, seen through the veil of the soul.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
I have nothing to hide in art. The initial force alone can bring anyone to the end he must attain.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
I have to keep working, not to arrive at finish, which arouses the admiration of fools... I must seek completion only for the pleasure of being truer and more knowing.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
I lack the magnificent richness of color that animates nature.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
I'll always be grateful to the public of intelligent amateurs.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
I must be more sensible and realize that at my age, illusions are hardly permitted and they will always destroy me.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
In order to make progress, there is only nature, and the eye is turned through contact with her.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
I paint as if I were Rothschild.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
Is art really the priesthood that demands the pure in heart who belong to it wholly?
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
I should have wished to possess the intellectual equilibrium that characterizes you and permits you to achieve without fail the desired end... Chance has not favoured me with an equal self-assurance, it is the only regret I have about things of this earth.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
Is it the factitious and the conventional that most surely succeed on earth and in the course of life?
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
It is necessary to introduce light vibrations, represented by reds and yellows, and a sufficient amount of blues, to obtain an airy feeling.
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By AnonymPaul Cezanne
It is not about painting life, it is about making painting alive.