Best 12 quotes of Jacques Prevert on MyQuotes

Jacques Prevert

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    Jacques Prevert

    Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it.

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    Jacques Prevert

    He put the coffee in the cup. He put the milk in the cup of coffee. He put the sugar in the white coffee, with the tea-spoon he stirred. He drank the white coffee and he put the cup down. Without speaking to me.

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    Jacques Prevert

    Love is so simple. [Fr., C'est tellement simple, l'amour.]

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    Jacques Prevert

    Millions and millions of years would still not give me half enough time to describe that tiny instant of all eternity when you put your arms around me and I put my arms around you.

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    Jacques Prevert

    Our Father which art in heaven - Stay there - And we will stay on earth - Which is sometimes so pretty.

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    Jacques Prevert

    We should try to be happy, just to set an example

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    Jacques Prevert

    When truth is no longer free, freedom is no longer real: the truths of the police are the truths of today.

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    Jacques Prevert

    il étouffe - le monde se couche sur lui - et l’étouffe - il est prisonnier - coincé par ses promesses … on lui demande des comptes … En face de lui … une machine à compter - une machine à écrire des lettres d’amour - une machine à souffrir - le saisit … s’accroche à lui … Pierre dis-moi la vérité

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    Jacques Prevert

    Mees kirjutab masinasse armastuskirja ja masin vastab mehele adressaadi asemel ja tasemel Nii täiuslik on see masin see tshekkide ja armastuskirjade väljastamismasin Ja mees kes on mugavasti aset võtnud oma elamismasinas loeb oma lugemismasinaga oma kirjutusmasina vastust Ja ise koos oma kalkuleerimismasinaga oma unistamismasinas ostab ta ühe armatsemismasina Ja oma unistusterealiseerimismasinas armatseb ta oma kirjutusmasinaga oma armatsemismasina abil Kuid masin petab teda ühe generaatoriga Ühe surnuksnaerutamisegeneraatoriga.

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    Jacques Prevert

    Pater noster Our Father who art in heaven Stay there And we'll stay here on earth Which is sometimes so pretty With its mysteries of New York And its mysteries of Paris At least as good as that of the Trinity With its little canal at Ourcq Its great wall of China Its river at Morlaix Its candy canes With its Pacific Ocean And its two basins in the Tuileries With its good children and bad people With all the wonders of the world Which are here Simply on the earth Offered to everyone Strewn about Wondering at the wonder of themselves And daring not avow it As a naked pretty girl dares not show herself With the world's outrageous misfortunes Which are legion With legionaries With torturers With the masters of this world The masters with their priests their traitors and their troops With the seasons With the years With the pretty girls and with the old bastards With the straw of misery rotting in the steel of cannons.

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    Jacques Prevert

    Remember Barbara It rained all day on Brest that day And you walked smiling Flushed enraptured streaming-wet In the rain Remember Barbara It rained all day on Brest that day And I ran into you in Siam Street You were smiling And I smiled too Remember Barbara You whom I didn't know You who didn't know me Remember Remember that day still Don't forget A man was taking cover on a porch And he cried your name Barbara And you ran to him in the rain Streaming-wet enraptured flushed And you threw yourself in his arms Remember that Barbara And don't be mad if I speak familiarly I speak familiarly to everyone I love Even if I've seen them only once I speak familiarly to all who are in love Even if I don't know them Remember Barbara Don't forget That good and happy rain On your happy face On that happy town That rain upon the sea Upon the arsenal Upon the Ushant boat Oh Barbara What shitstupidity the war Now what's become of you Under this iron rain Of fire and steel and blood And he who held you in his arms Amorously Is he dead and gone or still so much alive Oh Barbara It's rained all day on Brest today As it was raining before But it isn't the same anymore And everything is wrecked It's a rain of mourning terrible and desolate Nor is it still a storm Of iron and steel and blood But simply clouds That die like dogs Dogs that disappear In the downpour drowning Brest And float away to rot A long way off A long long way from Brest Of which there's nothing left.

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    Jacques Prevert

    Si quelqu'un vous dit : "Je me tue à vous le répéter", laissez-le mourir.