Best 9 quotes of Allan Gurganus on MyQuotes

Allan Gurganus

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    Allan Gurganus

    I think Walt Whitman went to the help wanted section and found a squib that said "Wanted: National Poet." And he was innocent enough to believe there really was such a job. And if he could just write a poem that incorporated everything he felt and suspected and hoped for from America that he would have the position.

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    Allan Gurganus

    Know something, sugar? Stories only happen to people who can tell them.

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    Allan Gurganus

    There's a kind of ear music . . . a rhythmic synchronicity which creates a kind of heartbeat on the page.

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    Allan Gurganus

    Without much accuracy, with strangely little love at all, your family will decide for you exactly who you are, and they'll keep nudging, coaxing, poking you until you've changed into that very simple shape.

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    Allan Gurganus

    Writing is a kind of free fall that you then go back and edit and shape.

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    Allan Gurganus

    Writing means being a fascinated slave to current events.

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    Allan Gurganus

    You have a different kind of tenderness for everybody you know.

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    Allan Gurganus

    Imagine how titanic an echo chamber this great city would seem without the noise of eve none of mine. A huge bronze bell deprived of one hidden small iron clapper, its sole reason for being, its single means of song.

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    Allan Gurganus

    The tree feels splintery, nasty to my touch; it feels Floridian, more reptile than vegetable, more stucco than stone. I do loathe this state, their Elba.