Best 10 quotes of Roger Ballen on MyQuotes

Roger Ballen

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    Roger Ballen

    Black and white is a very minimalist art form and unlike color photographs does not pretend to mimic the world in a manner similar to the way the human eye might perceive... Black and white is essentially an abstract way to interpret and transform what one might refer to as reality.

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    Roger Ballen

    Black and White is essentially an abstract way to interpret and transform what one might refer to as reality. My purpose in taking photographs over the past forty years has ultimately been about defining myself. It has been fundamentally a psychological and existential journey.

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    Roger Ballen

    I never prepare a speech. I never think when I give a speech, except for "don't embarrass yourself or others," meaning "remember the names of the people you have to thank.

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    Roger Ballen

    I never think about a photo before I start it. I try to let my mind relax, and then when I get there I do it.

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    Roger Ballen

    In the end, I believe that the most important influence on my aesthetic has been the photographs I have taken.

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    Roger Ballen

    It is my belief that the most challenging photographs are those that create a tension between what we refer to as the real and the imaginative.

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    Roger Ballen

    Life on the planet and in our galaxy is so complex, I don't hope to have any substantial effect in it, but if I can touch a few people deep in their psyche, by making my personal subjective journey concrete for others, then I am very happy.

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    Roger Ballen

    [My] goal as an artist is to create increasingly complex images with greater and greater clarity of form and intensity of vision.

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    Roger Ballen

    [Photography] tells you that every second in time is different from every other second. You want people to understand that the image in front of them has something to do with the truth, and it can never be repeated.

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    Roger Ballen

    The pictures are of a psychological culture, a Jungian culture, if you will. It emanates from my own psyche... It's a hard place to get to, honestly. It has taken me many years to get to that place and to define it visually.