Best 13 quotes of Steven Machat on MyQuotes

Steven Machat

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    Steven Machat

    Cigarettes and alcohol are much stronger gateway drugs [than marijuana].

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    Steven Machat

    Genetically modified foods and chemical drugs. Two things that will change our consciousness as we become slaves to the world we made, not what the Divine gave us to live in this place and space called earth.

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    Steven Machat

    If people believe that marijuana helps their medical issues then they should allow people to indulge in those remedies. It is criminal that we do not encourage "science" to fully investigate the medical usages of pot.

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    Steven Machat

    Marijuana allows one to take a breath and see the realities of a situation without the news beating their interpretation into our brains. Pot relaxes you.

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    Steven Machat

    Marijuana does not cause brain damage. Our media does by creating fears, encouraging hate and then selling the remedy to the fears and hate the media creates.

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    Steven Machat

    Marijuana does not lead to harder drugs. People will get bored of the pot and move on down the line to stronger drugs to get the high they need. They either stay with pot or quit.

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    Steven Machat

    Marijuana is not addictive. People are the addicts and they will find a substance or a belief that will feed the addiction they need to make their day go away. Meaning one looks for a substance that allows them not to live with who and what they really are. To stop addiction we must treat the patient and stop blaming everyone and everything else but the abuser.

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    Steven Machat

    Our fears are those that cause cancer and those fears operate in the regions that the drugs we use to hide our fears is the most predominate feeling. Our minds cause our inner illness for the most part.

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    Steven Machat

    People who are lazy may smoke pot and remain lazy. That is aging the person finding a drug to help one create the vegetable style the person wants, as the person cannot live in the real world.

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    Steven Machat

    Pot must be legalized as it grows in nature. It is natural and organic too. It is part of the hemp world and it is criminal that we do not use hemp to facilitate our lifestyle. From paper to soap to clothes to anything, we can think of for the most part.

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    Steven Machat

    The desire the law makers have in having only dispensary owners to control marijuana is part of the game our law makers play to create a bureau of specific business created that owes its allegiance to the political process and therefore will make sure that process continues.

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    Steven Machat

    The war on drugs has been a social and political failure. We need to encourage sport and stop encouraging drugs.

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    Steven Machat

    Tobacco is the second most dangerous drug available to our culture. Number one is alcohol follow by many pharmacy pills. So no, marijuana is not more dangerous then tobacco.