Best 58 quotes of Mary-louise Parker on MyQuotes

Mary-louise Parker

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    Mary-louise Parker

    Don’t have a fall back, because if you do, you’ll fall back.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I always wondered what people thought of it because it looked so stupid to me on the page and I loved the other finale so I thought it was going to be really stupid but some people really liked it.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I certainly was never the pretty girl at school, but I can go to a lot of different places with this face.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I do love my avocados, which are great for the skin. I eat pretty healthfully.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I don't get tired of hearing that somebody liked my work.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I don't live in Los Angeles and I don't do a lot of superfluous press.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I don't often see the movies I'm in; I'm usually disappointed in myself and it only serves to make me self-conscious.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I don't put myself out there, so people aren't necessarily familiar with me or my face.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I don't really ever think about whether or not I like the characters I'm playing. I'm more into the minutiae of their behaviour or what they're doing in a certain scene.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I don't think anyone honestly would hire me, so I don't think I have to worry but, if it was well written I would do it. I would do anything.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I don’t think it’s that controversial. I’m really in favor of legalizing marijuana. I thought people would be more offended by [this series] than they are. I’m surprised they weren’t.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I don't think you necessarily have to be part of a traditional nuclear family to be a good mother.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I enjoy cooking and baking. Alicia Silverstone's vegan cookbook is awesome.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I feel like movies, if there's any kind of budget whatsoever, there's so much sitting, and I really like to work. Otherwise my blood sugar just drops, you know, six hours sitting in a camper.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I have a child and I don't want to be at work all the time when he's small. I want to spend time with him.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I haven't read the comic book. I didn't even know there was one until about halfway though. Helen Mirren and I were talking about that actually, who also felt kind of silly. When we had to run she was like, 'Oh God, we're both going to get fired.' The running sequences, it's a particular kind of humiliation because it's fun.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I have to say, I haven't really worked with that many people in my career that I haven't liked, which I think is really rare.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I just get to go to work with such great actors who are so talented, especially Elizabeth (Perkins). You are so wonderful and kind and good and wonderful and sexy and great, and I just want to make out with all of you.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I just want to make lunches and organize my kids' playroom.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I like A&E. I like those corny intimate-portrait things. They're so kind of ingenious and artificial and soothing.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I like to pretend that I'm a tough guy. It's kind of an admission of defeat if I have to ask for help - or even kindness. But if it doesn't come, at some point I snap and demand it.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I'm just damseling mostly. I'm not very good with a gun.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I'm naked in Esquire in August. I was naked on the set the other day. I'm always naked. I'm naked right now, in fact.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I'm not comfortable with getting a job by being at the right Hollywood party; I'm not a terribly sociable creature.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I'm not saying pot is a bad thing. I know plenty of people who should be smoking pot. I'm just not one of those people. I don't think it would be the best drug for me. What am I going to do, start doing drugs at my age? It's a little late. I'm a mother of two. It's probably not the best idea for me to start getting into it now.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    In college, my teachers were usually after me for going after comedy too much, leaning too much in that direction.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I never feel more useful than when I'm making my kids a bowl of soup.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I put a lot of stock in the written word, and the power of it. That's what I love about acting and reading scripts. Words are really powerful. I don't believe that axiom at all - words can absolutely hurt you. Words can wound. They can do a lot of damage. I think they can do way more damage than sticks and stones. I'll take sticks and stones.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I really like the director [for Weeds]. I don't know if you've spoken to him yet but he's really, really intelligent. He was just really kind when I met him and nice and really told me why I should play the part...and kind of really didn't argue with him. He's just really, really smart and assembled these really great people. I felt like he really knows how to enlist his intelligence to get you - I don't know - he's really hard to argue with I find.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I really prefer acting in the theater the most. In some ways TV is closer to that because there's more of a regularity to the schedule. You have to finish an episode by a certain day. Movies can just go on interminably.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    I thought the other ones were so obviously - what are we going to do if she burns down the house? The DEA, which I think was maybe the best one because she's wearing the jacket when she goes through the mirror and I think that was kind of amazing because you really weren't expecting that. There's something almost slapstick about this in a way that worried me. It was a little pratfalley with the golf club and the - but I think it probably cut together okay.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    It's good to feel stupid sometimes and do things that are out of your comfort zone.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    It's the best part of the whole movie. John Malkovich with a pink pig is - you can't get better than that. Then John Malkovich alone and then you add a pink pig.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    Just when I got out of school, I seemed to get hired for a lot of dramatic things, and people tend to remember you how they've seen you the first time.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    Look, I don't care if anyone likes me when it comes to my work. But I can be massively insecure in other parts of my life.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    Mediocrity is underrated.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    My favorite scene in all of movies is Gregory Peck in To Kill A Mockingbird: You see him where he's on the porch, and his face is almost completely obscured. I don't want to see his face.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    My parents have been together for 65 years. They're both really stubborn. They're not quitters.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    My sister's fish tacos are out of control. I'd give her a restaurant if I were a gazillionaire.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    My way to combat anything is just to walk straight into it with my fists up.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    One person's crazy is another person's refreshing.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    People ask me, 'Why are you doing a show on Showtime?' Because I'll do anything really, I don't really care, I'll do a show on Nickelodeon if I thought it was well written. Actually Nickelodeon's kind of awesome.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    People have a problem with me being different, but that propels me forward in life.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    There's a lot of time sitting in movies, so you can put alligators in people's trailers in your spare time. So it [making a film] moves slower, which in some ways is great, because you can live with a scene and invest in it a lot. And in some ways it's hard, because sometimes you can start to lose your energy a little bit, but both are fun.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    There's something really sweet about the way he's playing the part and he's kind of irresistible in a way. They're both really lonely. That's kind of established from the very beginning in the movie. The way they meet is just classic, lonely losers.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    The theater is who I am - it's where I feel the most inspired, the most at home, the most useful.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    Toronto I've worked in so many times so you kind of just know every store, every hotel, every - it's really close to New York so it's awesome for my children so if I have to go home for two days it doesn't take very much time. Except for Air Canada. Air Canada is the worst part.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    Unless you got a really good reason, you should be nice.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    Usually I'm trying to turn something around or turn it inside out and see what's underneath. I know that probably sounds incredibly vague but I never set out to be likeable or funny or anything like that. I'm just trying to tell the story in the best way that I can and serve the writer because it's really about the writer.

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    Mary-louise Parker

    Well, it's kind of like that classic sort of trajectory in this kind of movie where there's conflict and they're estranged and they kind of grow to love each other but they don't show it. Then at the end - it's kind of like that. But I think the characters are more interesting than that.