Best 4 quotes of Claudia Llosa on MyQuotes

Claudia Llosa

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    Claudia Llosa

    Filmmaking is challenging for men and women. In both cases, it is incredibly difficult. And gender is neither a guarantee of greater sensitivity, capacity for empathy or aperture.

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    Claudia Llosa

    For me, once the film is out, it belongs to the audience, and I have to be open to any reaction that comes from it.

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    Claudia Llosa

    I don't believe in misconceptions in art and films. There are always so many different ways to relate to or understand a film. I love films that give a great amount of space to the audience to explore or be active with what the film is saying.

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    Claudia Llosa

    There is a universal urge to rethink our spirituality in order to give us a new sense of security.