Best 4 quotes of Guillaume Thomas Francois Raynal on MyQuotes

Guillaume Thomas Francois Raynal

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    Guillaume Thomas Francois Raynal

    Government owes its birth to the necessity of preventing and repressing the injuries which the associated individuals had to fear from one another.

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    Guillaume Thomas Francois Raynal

    The only difference between a genius and one of common capacity is that the former anticipates and explores what the latter accidentally hits upon; but even the man of genius himself more frequently employs the advantages that chance presents to him.

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    Guillaume Thomas Francois Raynal

    Thought is the first faculty of man; to express it is one of his first desires; to spread it, his dearest privilege.

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    Guillaume Thomas Francois Raynal

    Whoever considers the number of absurd and ridiculous oaths necessary to be taken at present in most countries, on being admitted into any society or profession whatever, will be less surprised to find prevarication still prevailing, where perjury has led the way.