Best 40 quotes of Brooke Shields on MyQuotes

Brooke Shields

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    Brooke Shields

    At Princeton I gained a great deal of pleasure from success in my classes. knowing that I could accomplish those things, and I realized that my success was directly proportionate to the work I put in.

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    Brooke Shields

    Don't waste a minute not being happy. If one window closes, run to the next window- or break down a door.

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    Brooke Shields

    Eight shows a week is daunting, and it can be terrifying. But it just instills such a sense of confidence and growth.

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    Brooke Shields

    Honesty is the quality I value most in a friend. Not bluntness, but honesty with compassion.

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    Brooke Shields

    Humour has always been a self-defence mechanism for me.

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    Brooke Shields

    I absolutely would categorize myself as one of successful professional females. I think you can be successful and still be extremely present in a healthy life.

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    Brooke Shields

    If my jeans could talk, would I be embarrassed?

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    Brooke Shields

    I have a trainer, and I'm not a trainer person. I don't like the attention. I don't like the one-on-one scrutiny. But I've had to enter into a very sort of rigorous rehabilitation program to avoid surgery on my back. I've already had four surgeries on my feet and two on my knee - all from Broadway dancing injuries. On Broadway, they don't really rehab the dancers like they do in sports. It's, "The show must go on" .

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    Brooke Shields

    I have never been skinny. The thing is, I was in an industry where being athletic was not celebrated. I have friends who are supermodels, and I never had that body. I've never been asked to walk in a Versace show. I was doing the covers of the magazines while they were cruising the clothes down the runway, and then they'd bring me the clothes and I'd have to photograph them.

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    Brooke Shields

    I hope this will help new moms not feel alone or desperate, and that there is no shame in their feelings. PPD is out of their control, but the treatment and healing process is not.

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    Brooke Shields

    I just felt as though I would never be happy again, and as if I had fallen into a big black hole.

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    Brooke Shields

    I'm so naive about finances. Once when my mother mentioned an amount and I realized I didn't understand, she had to explain: 'That's like three Mercedes.' Then I understood.

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    Brooke Shields

    I suffered from post-natal depression after Rowan was born. I had a healthy, beautiful baby girl and I couldn't look at her. I couldn't hold her, smile at her. All I wanted was to disappear and die.

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    Brooke Shields

    I think I'm going to have to live vicariously through my daughter's rebellion because I certainly never did go through adolescence.

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    Brooke Shields

    It's nice, it gives you a feeling of security so that if something breaks we know we can always call a guy over and he'll bring a drill or something.

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    Brooke Shields

    It's okay to be successful and it's also okay to be happy with your success even though it might not be easy.

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    Brooke Shields

    It was my mom and I against the world. We lived in New York in this bohemian lifestyle where an extended group of artists and photographers were like my aunts and uncles.

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    Brooke Shields

    I've given myself a bit more of a break in that I can't say yes to everything. I have to prioritize, and obviously it starts with your children. But I used to be much later on the list. I've started putting myself within a safe distance from that first priority. You just have to remind yourself to not forget about your relationship and to not forget about yourself. And it's interesting, because I have a very fraught relationship with working out.

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    Brooke Shields

    I've never found therapy to be a sign of weakness; I've found the opposite to be true. The willingness to have a mirror held up to you definitely requires strength.

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    Brooke Shields

    I was always considered the athletic one, and that translated into big. I was the big one. Thankfully, so many more body types are accepted these days. What I've been trying to do, and I'm seeing more now with my girlfriends, too, is celebrate other people.

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    Brooke Shields

    I was always with a single mom, and we never had schedules or anything. We were just Bohemian, us against the world, which was kind of great, but it certainly didn't breed security. I've gotten hyper-sensitive to schedules and bath time and eating at the dinner table. We don't just 'Bohemian' go out at nine o'clock and go get Chinese food.

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    Brooke Shields

    I was Hannah Montana's mother ... Where did I go wrong?

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    Brooke Shields

    I went to an ordinary school in New York City with no other actors. I learned to compartmentalise different parts of my life. I was one person at home and then another person at work and for that reason my career didn't challenge my family life.

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    Brooke Shields

    Louis Malle was the best filmmaker I've ever worked with. He was such an artist. He was dealing with the theme of innocence and experience.

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    Brooke Shields

    Modeling is the world that I feel most welcome in.

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    Brooke Shields

    My father's death, my move, and my frightening and difficult delivery created a tremendous amount of stress, pain, and sadness for me. I was practically devastated beyond recovery.

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    Brooke Shields

    My mother totally protected me as a model. She took me on every look-see, she was there on the set if I wanted her to be.

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    Brooke Shields

    My younger years of modeling were really just filled with fun trips. I was doing catalogues for Alexander's and Bloomingdale's.

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    Brooke Shields

    People say, 'I love my wrinkles.' I don't love my wrinkles - come on!

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    Brooke Shields

    People think of me as a mannequin. All show and no substance.

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    Brooke Shields

    Someone said adversity builds character, but someone else said adversity reveals character. Im pleasantly surprised with my resilience. I persevere, and not just blindly. I take the best, get rid of the rest, and move on, realizing that you can make a choice to take the good.

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    Brooke Shields

    The difficulty of IVF or of any fertility issues is the hope and the shattered hope, the dream that it might happen this time and then it doesn't happen.

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    Brooke Shields

    The thing I'm the most proud of in my personal life is that my daughter actually thinks that I'm fabulous.

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    Brooke Shields

    The very damaging, frightening part of postpartum is the lack of perspective and the lack of priority and understanding what is really important.

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    Brooke Shields

    Too many people use abortion as a form of birth control. And that's very wrong. I could never, ever have an abortion.

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    Brooke Shields

    ~Trust me when I tell you I'm on my girls. And every time I am, I know from the outside it looks like I'm an overbearing, controlling parent. But I don't think we are responsible to anybody but our kids and ourselves.~

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    Brooke Shields

    Two eggs do not an omelette make

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    Brooke Shields

    We all struggle. I'm not saying any successful woman's life is without struggle. But it doesn't mean it has to be miserable.

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    Brooke Shields

    We've been taught, "Deny yourself pleasure." But moderation is harder because it requires really committing to balance. When I tell my trainer I had a glass of wine, he'll say, "Liquid bread!" And I'm like, "Ugh, but it was a nice one." It's a matter of checks and balances. And I finally found out how to set myself up to succeed. But I still need to commit to it. And everything gets exponentially harder the older you are. Fifty is a terrifying number for some people.

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    Brooke Shields

    What does good in bed mean to me? When I'm sick and I stay home from school propped up with lots of pillows watching TV and my mom brings me soup - that's good in bed.