Best 61 quotes of R. A. Delmonico on MyQuotes

R. A. Delmonico

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Action is a mapping of value onto the material expression of state space and thought is a mapping of value onto the structure of the creature.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    A.I. is the perfect psychopath.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    An oligarchy does not require a good and moral citizenry but a Constitutional Republic does. If we lose our moral compass, we lose our country.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    A photon or an electron is not a thing, it is a description of a relationship.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Appetite is the beast in man, compassion is his spirit.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Beyond these things is the folding and unfolding of meaning. The rearrangement of the map onto the creature. The branching out of possibility, the warmth of light exploring the darkness of uncertainty. The reconnecting of the thing I once loved. I don't remember how it was lost, I think the map misled me, there was a branch leading to nowhere but the map showed a certain promise of redemption, a chance to see the child, no, the union of the mother and child. The way seemed blocked by expectation and false narrative. There would be a struggle for control. There was no control, only the path and in the end, lost connections, the fading of meaning into madness.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Computational geometry and the translation of meaning across domains. I am not looking for the answers, I'm looking for the questions.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Conflict doesn't solve every problem. Compromise doesn't solve every problem. Surrender doesn't solve any problem. Except, perhaps, surrender to God.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Culture is an agreed upon set of rules in a social construct. In any situation the rules can be different. Ethics is not about mastering the game, it is about mastering life.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Culture is a set of rules in a social construct. In any situation the rules can be different. Ethics is not about mastering the game, it is about mastering life.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Definition of power and control; the ability to create habitats for desirable behaviors or to eliminate habitats for undesirable behaviors. It is more of an art than a science.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Energy is variation per unit of time at a particular scale. Dimensions and scale are not static. Dimensions could be virtual like the idea of virtual particles but are a form of wave propagation.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Evolution of belief systems and issues of control? If something is worth believing in, it is timeless.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Fragile beauty is the most valuable form of beauty.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Freedom of speech applies to all or none because power never negotiates.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    God is a mathematician only in the sense that music contains a mathematical component.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    How can unity and infinity share the same space? There is only one way, as a fractal.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    How do we get structure from a probability cloud? What is the engine of reality? Where did the energy come from?

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    R. A. Delmonico

    I don't believe in experts or atheist, they don't exist.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    If dimensions are virtual like the particles in quantum foam are virtual then, entanglement is information that is in more than one location (hologram). There are no particles, they may be wave packets but the idea of quantum is, a precise ratio of action in relationship to the environment. Feynman's path integral is not infinite, it is fractal. If you look at a star many light years away, the photon that hits your eye leaves the star precisely when the timing for the journey will end at your eye because the virtual dimension of the journey is zero distance or zero time. Wheeler said that if your eye is not there to receive the photon then it won't leave the star in the distant past. If the dimension in the direction of travel is zero, you have a different relationship then if it is zero time in terms of the property of the virtual dimensions. Is a particle really a wave packet? Could something like a "phase transition" involve dimensions that are more transitory then we imagined. Example; a photon as a two dimensional sheet is absorbed by an electron so that the photon becomes a part of the geometry of the electron in which the electrons dimensions change in some manner. Could "scale" have more variation and influence on space and time that our models currently predict? Could information, scale, and gravity be intimately related?

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    R. A. Delmonico

    If it has universal appeal, stupid is involved.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    In the hierarchy of meaning, a pure language would have meaning not just in the words but also in the letters that make up the words. We could also have hidden within the text, a coded language of meaning or even several coded languages. This appears to be the case with the original text of the Bible.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Is a particle really a wave packet? Could something like a "phase transition" involve dimensions that are more transitory then we imagined. Example; a photon as a two dimensional sheet is absorbed by an electron so that the photon becomes a part of the geometry of the electron in which the electrons dimensions change in some manner. Could "scale" have more variation and influence on space and time that our models currently predict.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Is lazy evil? Is stupid lazy? Is evil stupid?

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Loving connections are intimately associated with belief. The more connected we are, the more we believe in each other.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Luck often sides with the able.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Many of the things that grownups have chosen to ignore, the child understands deeply.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Meaning is stacking melodies on top of each other. Meaning transcends the music it is constructed from.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Needs are islands of stability in a sea of wants.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Nothing is the absence of variation at every scale. This definition could also be used for truth.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Nothing makes a man more invincible than to "know" that death is not the end.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Perceptions create distinctions and these distinctions create patterns which are tied to a map. The map is written onto the structure of the creature.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Pleasure never waits, it is desire that always does the waiting.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Power and control are an illusion, all we have are the relationship of measured things and incomplete descriptions.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Power and control are an illusion. The hidden hand is always moving the pieces.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Responsibility is better than entitlement. Opportunity is better than handouts.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Robots have a limited range of behaviors. They are very accurate, very fast, and very stupid.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    Spirituality is not an achievement it is a relationship.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    The answer to bad circumstances is good character.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    The enemy of love is not hate it is apathy.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    The greater good has been defined as "the ends justify the means." The common good says that "liberty resides in the means.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    The greatest stupidity in man is not his arrogance or ignorance, it he failing to realize who he is.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    The heart is more important than the head when it comes to achieving greatness. For the average task, only the intellect is needed but a great challenge will require heart and soul.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    The imagination uses nonsense to connect the impossible to the possible.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    The journey of discovery is a lonely business.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    The more complex the symmetry, the more constraints. Emergence relies on constraints.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    The past is material, the future is possibility.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    The power of a young woman is in her beauty and charm. The power of a woman in her later years is her social position and her ability to convince.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    There are no perfect symmetries, there is no pure randomness, we are in the gray region between truth and chaos. Nothing novel or interesting happens unless it is on the border between order and chaos.

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    R. A. Delmonico

    There is no greater freedom than the freedom to desire. There is no greater desire than the desire to be free.