Best 10 quotes of Meik Wiking on MyQuotes

Meik Wiking

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    Meik Wiking

    Adults are not supposed to play. We are supposed to stress, have worries and be too busy dealing with life's problems. But according to a study undertaken by Princeton University and led by Alan Krueger, Professor in Economics and Public Affairs there, we are happiest when we are involved in engaging leisure activities.

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    Meik Wiking

    But one of the main reasons why Denmark does so well in international happiness surveys is the welfare state, as it reduces uncertainty, worries and stress in the population. You can say that Denmark is the happiest country in the world or you can say that Denmark is the least unhappy country in the world. The welfare state is really good (not perfect, but good) at reducing extreme unhappiness. Universal and free health care, free university education and relatively generous unemployment benefits go a long way towards reducing unhappiness.

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    Meik Wiking

    For the ambitious among us, once we reach our goal we soon formulate another to pursue. This is the hedonic treadmill. We continuously raise the bar for what we want or feel we need in order to be happy - and the hedonic treadmill spins faster with ambition. In other words, the downside to being ambitious is a constant sense of dissatisfaction with our achievements.

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    Meik Wiking

    If a city is designed in a way that makes a long drive to work necessary, we harm the social health of that city. If a lot of people cycle, it's probably an indication that you live in a healthy neighborhood. This is something that should be seriously considered in urban planning, if you want to ensure a neighborhood togetherness and trust among locals.

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    Meik Wiking

    My, ludzie, jesteśmy szczęśliwsi, kiedy czujemy się związani z innymi. Oczywiście za tym, co nas uszczęśliwia, musi stać coś więcej niż tylko zaspokojenie tęsknoty za miłością, przyjaźnią i wspólnotą. Na pewno ludzie pragną gdzieś przynależeć, tylko często nie są pewni, jak to osiągnąć.

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    Meik Wiking

    Remember: Danes are direct descendants of Vikings, so we enjoy watching things burn: bonfires, candles, villages. It's all good.

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    Meik Wiking

    Sourdough is basically an edible Tamagotchi.

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    Meik Wiking

    The results of five experiments involving more than a thousand participants showed that reading literary fiction improves our ability to detect and understand other people's emotions. But it can't be any sort of fiction. The researchers distinguished between "popular fiction" (where the author leads you by the hand as a reader) and "literary fiction" (in which you must find your own way and fill in the gaps). Instead of being told why a certain character behaves as they do, you have to figure it out yourself. That way, the book becomes not just a simulation of a social experience, it is a social experience.

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    Meik Wiking

    We were silent, tired, and happy, and it was pure hygge.

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    Meik Wiking

    You cannot buy the right atmosphere or a sense of togetherness. You cannot hygge if you are in a hurry or stressed out, and the art of creating intimacy cannot be bought by anything but time, interest and engagement in the people around you.