Best 39 quotes of Wordions on MyQuotes


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    A Man who has the confidence to not feel the need to defend his point of view and at the same time possess the openness to accept other's point of view, without being judgemental, yet managing to stay true to his convictions - Is the Man of Real Substance!

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    And may be between building and breaking we find our lives somewhere. Building dreams, each time, watching them break and then picking the broken pieces, building again with a new Hope more courage. ......And may be this effort is Life.

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    Behind every "I don't expect anything from you", there are buried expectations.

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    Between giving up and holding on Between initiation and rejection Between the saids and unsaids Between the understood and miss-understood Between Life's priorities We lost each other.

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    Be "Yourself" enough to have an opinion, Be "Wise" enough to recognise a difference of opinion, Be "Mature" enough to find a way for co-existence.

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    But Perfection never appealed to me. It's the beauty and honesty behind imperfections, that I fall in love with.

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    Choose thoughts like how you choose your friends, only the right one's.

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    God made us complete. We have all we need to live happily within "One single Us".

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    I am a lover of words. If your words don't play with me, nothing else in you will.

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    I don't know which is worse, missing you staying away from you Or missing you being around you.

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    If you truly love someone, then love them right in the places they feel most unsure and most vulnerable. And that';s how you help them love themselves.

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    I love people who are honest, honest about everything. People who would bare their souls and say things like "I did it because I was Jealous.", "I made a mistake, not that I was unconscious of what I was doing but I lost control " , instead of covering it up with reasons. This kind of honesty takes a lot of "Courage" - since it involves admitting your flaws, both, to yourself and others. "Intelligence" - Since it involves diving deep within, into the true reasons behind your actions, and "A Big Heart" - Since it involves accepting those flaws.

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    In the story of life"Hope" is the Hero who protects the Lady Love "Dream (Desire from the bad guy "Fear".

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    I owe most of my wisdom to the problems I was gifted.

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    It's a strange ache, that begins with a sudden flash of memory, while you are happily immersed in your favourite song or cooking your favourite dish - in the midst of just anything. An ache that suddenly drifts your energy, from enjoyment to controlling those tears scrolling down. All that swing in a wink, without the one next to you ever realising any sign of the sudden storm within you." Well, that's just the price you pay for choosing to feel.

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    It's sad to see just how many people are lonely together.

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    Love is not just being with someone, love is feeling someone even if miles separate you

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    Loving yourself is essential but not enough, the bitter truth is, you still need to see that love reflected in someone else's eyes.

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    Never make anyone the centre of your world, create your own world and have someone come visit and stay if they may.

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    Often in relationships we have to move the next mile, leaving behind the experiences of the mile just past, and starting afresh. It takes a big heart, and deep love to take the risk of exposing yourself to being hurt again, forgiving the people who tore you down and giving the relationship another chance. Pray for strength and take along the learnings from the past. This time, shift focus from appeasing to creating healthier bonds with clearer boundaries and lots of space.

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    One of the best feelings in the world is when you are understood without having to say a word.

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    Our first and strongest love is actually, not a person, but an image that we form very early in our life. All the loves we have had in the real, are an attempt to superimpose this image over an actual person, who resembles it to an extent. Some may get lucky, but for most real love happens only after they grow enough to be able to see the image and the person separately, acknowledge the differences and still love them.

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    She breathes Hope in and out. When asked Why ? She said because hope gives me"that" in tomorrow which "The Today" refused.

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    Sometimes, when I am sad, I am not sad for myself. I am sad for the world, I am sad to see where we are going. I am sad to see how we can smile by making someone else sad. I am sad to see how we have killed our conscience and keep toying with emotions I am sad to see how people are confusing selfishness with self love. I am sad to see how we have come to a stage where we trust strangers more than friends. Let's fix this, Let's open our hearts Let's listen to them, let's do our bit.

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    Sometimes you withhold an apology for having wronged someone, in a state where you were not yourself. Because some states of life can never be understood by those who have not experienced them.

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    Tears are not a mark of weakness. They are Just a proof that your heart is alive.

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    The first buyer of your Success has to be you. Once you are truly IN, You are sure to WIN

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    The heart wasn't designed to decide it was designed to feel.

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    The lack of understanding does not hurt, as much as the lack of effort to understand does !

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    The most powerful channel of communication is still, "The Heart" !

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    The only way to understand the reason behind someone's hurtful behaviour is - Understanding that every action is driven by an underlying emotion. Emotions especially the negative one's are our reactions to the conflict between our beliefs and reality. The influence of these negative emotions, causes us to act in ways that hurt others. So if someone hurts you, it actually indicates that they have an unsatisfied need or a wound that needs attention.

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    The seed must be buried, for the flower to bloom.

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    The sieves of time filter out the fakes from the real. Don't look back for them they were filtered out for your refinement

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    To me the hardest thing is hating you. Even harder than walking away still loving you.

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    Trust Begins In TRUth , even if the Truth is about how you broke my trust.

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    When someone is hurt and we hear ourselves saying "I don't understand, why" PAUSE At the pause, ask "What am I missing here ?" At the pause, stop judging, stop reacting, get curious and believe their hurt state At the pause, tap into their heart and mind. Now see how this pause transforms the conversation.

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    When you graduate from "Being In Love" to "Loving Someone" you understand - Love is not about owning, Love is about wanting the best for them, It's about seeing or Helping them achieve great heights, with or without you. Love is not what you say, it's what you do.

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    When your love has conquered your desire for possession and lust, this love then, turns into a compassionate energy, that crosses all bars of distance and time, and touches the one you love, in ways never understood but just felt. So whether, in acceptance or in rejection, keep feeding love more love. And always believe the one you love can never remain untouched by it.

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    You think not meeting the right person is sad. Wait until life brings you the beauty of meeting the right person at the wrong time !