Best 16 quotes of Stalina Goodwin on MyQuotes

Stalina Goodwin

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    Stalina Goodwin

    Be careful not to hold onto relationships that no longer work simply because you have history with folks. Sometimes loving yourself means removing yourself from situations and people that no longer suit the person you are becoming or have become.

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    Stalina Goodwin

    Break ups have the tendency to put us off of love and emotions. In our hour of pain in comes Savagery on its white horse to save the day, because of course in the land of the brokenhearted, the savage man is king. We think that because the break up hurt so bad that we have been gifted with the right to move forward only caring about how things effect us, pretending as if we have no emotions. It will seem at first that this jump into the give no F’s pool is great, but eventually the pain that you’re running from will show up. Don’t waste the opportunity to deal with your pain instead of hiding from it. It is by dealing with it that you keep this break up from becoming baggage.

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    Stalina Goodwin

    Don’t allow anyone to shame you with your life story. Walk in your truth knowing that you are the better because of it. It is because of all the things you've been through that you are able to be who you are today.

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    Stalina Goodwin

    Here is where the hard part comes in. The time has come to BLOCK him. Sigh. That part. Whether the relationship ends badly or not, you will want to know how your ex is fairing even if you never say it out loud. That’s normal. When you’re broken hearted these type of updates can be torture. Having to see him on your IG or FB feed can prove to be too much if you’re just trying to heal. To some this may not seem like a big deal, but here is what we know. We know that wounds can’t heal if they are being constantly poked at. So give yourself the breathing room.

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    Stalina Goodwin

    It is going to be tempting to shake yourself off as if you’re already fine. Don’t do that. Don’t wear a mask or pretend that you didn’t just have your heart pulverized. This break up is going to be about YOU. So first things first, be honest with yourself and admit that you’re hurting. It’s ok to not be ok.

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    Stalina Goodwin

    Make sure that you're a woman that other women can trust!

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    Stalina Goodwin

    Often our understanding of ourselves can be ruined by the way we are treated, by things we have done that we are ashamed of, things we have gone through and by our inability to comprehend our own personal loveliness. You have to choose to believe the truth about you which is, you are lovable. You are not a screw up who messes everything up. You are valuable and you are not a waste of space. The world would not be better off without you, in fact, you have a gift to give the world. You have a story that someone else needs to hear.

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    Stalina Goodwin

    Other people will not always see our worth the way we wish they would. Sometimes our own loved ones won’t be able to compute our true value. That doesn’t mean you are of less value or worth. It means that they’re unable to see you for the amazing wonder that you are and that’s their loss.

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    Stalina Goodwin

    So don’t be so hard on yourself when you feel that deep pain within. It totally makes sense that you feel it. Whether your relationship lasted 10 years or 6 months, it was real to you. Grieving is what happens when you allow your heart to break. The next step is up to you. It’s possible to not be frozen in the grief process forever. It takes however long as it takes, but if you are proactive in how you deal with your grief, you will find that you are not ruled by it.

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    Stalina Goodwin

    Somewhere someone else’s break-through is hinging on you simply knowing that you matter. So please, remind yourself of this truth every single day.

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    Stalina Goodwin

    The truth is that you may mess up a bit. Don’t panic. Relax and remember to give your best and let the chips fall where they may.

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    Stalina Goodwin

    . You are as precious as a jewel and you must ensure that you protect yourself like you know that. People will come to dull your sparkle with their negativity and their underhanded antics. Make it your priority to be aware of who means you no good and then shutting them down in your life.

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    Stalina Goodwin

    You must remember that you were made so that the world might be graced with a brilliance that only YOU can display.

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    Stalina Goodwin

    Your hands are worthy enough to hold the biggest dream your mind can create. Never allow the things of your past to paint the direction of your future. You are good enough to start over. You are good enough to open your arms and expect all good things to overtake you.

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    Stalina Goodwin

    Your heart matters and your pain matters, but for the love of all things beautiful in the world, you must keep your cool. Whether things ended amicably or in a messy manner, your overwhelming desire to express your emotions will reach a peak and you will want your voice heard. The best advice you will ever receive when it comes to this part is this: You are a queen and you must not disgrace yourself. It will seem easier said than done, but you must keep in mind that you are a woman of greatness and women of greatness carry themselves in grace and dignity.

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    Stalina Goodwin

    You will trip up and fall sometimes. It doesn't take away from how great you are. You will not always say the right thing. It doesn't revoke the light within you.