Best 4 quotes of Joshua Neik on MyQuotes

Joshua Neik

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    Joshua Neik

    Children usually have a natural curiosity about the world and everything in it until they get to school and somebody throws them against the locker because they get A's and act intelligent. After that, some kids try to dumb it down and adapt.

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    Joshua Neik

    Don't spread negativity, that stuff is contagious and ruins us. The good news is, positivity can also be contagious and it lifts us.

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    Joshua Neik

    If we wish for our country to have an exponentially brighter future, one of the things we need to change is the popular perception some kids have towards school. School is not a prison, it is not a night club, it is not a fight club; school is for learning, learning is the thing that begins the process of separating us from the animals.

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    Joshua Neik

    Participating in class, doing your homework, and basically just having your shit together and doing what's got to be done shouldn't be seen as a lame move, it's extremely counterproductive to the fostering of our collective intelligence.