Best 9 quotes of Mika Waltari on MyQuotes

Mika Waltari

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    Mika Waltari

    For I, Sinuhe, am a human being. I have lived in everyone who existed before me and shall live in all who come after me. I shall live in human tears and laughter, in human sorrow and fear, in human goodness and wickedness, in justice and injustice, in weakness and strength. As a human being I shall live eternally in mankind. I desire no offerings at my tomb and no immortality for my name. This was written by Sinuhe, the Egyptian, who lived alone all the days of his life.

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    Mika Waltari

    Hanefitai ir krikščionys, žydai ir magai tuščiai jo ieškojo.Žemėje tėra dvejopi žmonės. Protingi, kurie neturi tikėjimo, ir tikintieji, kurie neturi proto

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    Mika Waltari

    I, SINUHE, the son of Senmut and of his wife Kipa, write this. I do not write it to the glory of the gods in the land of Kem, for I am weary of gods, nor to the glory of the Pharaohs, for I am weary of their deeds. I write neither from fear nor from any hope of the future but for myself alone. During my life I have seen, known, and lost too much to be the prey of vain dread; and, as for the hope of immortality, I am as weary of that as I am of gods and kings. For my own sake only I write this; and herein I differ from all other writers, past and to come.

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    Mika Waltari

    Iš tūkstančio gal šimtas mąsto taip, kad verti žmogaus vardo.Iš to šimto gal vienas iš tikrųjų tiki, o dešimt visą gyvenimą abejoja, bet tai irgi tikėjimo požymis, nors kol kas tu šito gal nesupranti. Keli silpnuoliai puola į burtus ir slaptuosius mokslus, nes patys save apgaudinėja. Bet visi kiti – taip, jie pasirenka įprastą dalią ir tyli. Bažnyčia jiems tampa įpročiu, kurio laikosi dėl tvarkos, ir, jei praradę tikėjimą, jie dar ką nors mąsto, tai gal mąsto, kad pasilikę Bažnyčioje, nieko nepraras, o bėdos ištikti galbūt pelnys amžinąjį gyvenimą, jeigu išsipildys tai, kas neįtikimiausia, ir jeigu siela iš tiesų nemirtinga. Jie lošia tuščią žaidimą, nūsdami daug laimėti, bet manding, išloš tik tuščią nieką. Taigi. Apie tai niekas nekalba. Bet apsižvalgyk aplinkui. Ta pati tuštybė. Krikščionybė pavargus ir praradus tikėjimą. Užtat draskosi karuose ir sekinasi disputuose, kurie jau niekur nenuves, nes nebėra tikėjimo.

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    Mika Waltari

    Ne valgis ir gėrimas dievotumą rodo.Kvaila paisyti, kaip žmogus miega –virviniame gulte ar ant pūkų patalų. Valgau, ką noriu, ir miegu, kaip noriu, ir niekas negali manęs už tai smerkti. Tegul mano, kad aš kvaila, jei nori. Man tik geriau.

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    Mika Waltari

    Oricine a privit nisipul care curge într-o clepsidră. Viaţa unui om curge la fel, dar nu poate fi măsurată cu nici o clepsidră. Pentru fiecare om există o măsură unică şi ceea ce i se întâmplă unui om nu i se poate întâmpla altui om. Din păcate, acest mare şi sublim adevăr nu poate fi înţeles în întregime decât la bătrâneţe, când timpul este deja risipit, când nimic esenţial nu mai urmează să se întâmple. Atunci când unui om i se întâmplă multe şi când inima lui este încercată de neaşteptate schimbări, o singură zi poate fi mai lungă decât un an sau doi de viaţă simplă şi monotonă.

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    Mika Waltari

    Sinuhe, my friend, we have been born into strange times. Everything is melting – changing its shape – like clay on a potter’s wheel. Dress is changing, words, customs are changing, and people no longer believe in the gods – though they may fear them. Sinuhe, my friend, perhaps we were born to see the sunset of the world, for the world is already old, and twelve hundred years have passed since the building of the pyramids. When I think of this, I want to bury my head in my hands and cry like a child.

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    Mika Waltari

    Sometimes it might be kinder to kill a man, than to take his dreams from him.

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    Mika Waltari

    Today I saw you and spoke to you for the first time. It was like an earthquake; everything in me was overturned, the graves of my heart were opened and my own nature was strange to me. I am forty, and I believed I had reached the autumn of life. I had wandered far, known much and lived many lives. The Lord had spoken to me, manifesting Himself in many ways; to me angels had revealed themselves and I had not believed them. But when I saw you I was compelled to believe, because of the miracle that happened to me.