Best 6 quotes of Sebastian Rotella on MyQuotes

Sebastian Rotella

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    Sebastian Rotella

    Isabel, remember we used to talk about a honeymoon in Spain?" "Of course." "It woulda been a blast. I took a walk last night. Two in the morning, it felt like two in the afternoon. Traffic. People on the street: families, old folks on benches. The bars and restaurants were full, everybody carrying on. Hard to believe there's an economic crisis." "Maybe they should shut up, get some sleep, and fix the mess.

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    Sebastian Rotella

    Pescatore marveled at the seascape. It gave him vertigo. The wind deployed cloud formations. The sun seared the Moroccan coastline. He had read a line once about "the lion-colored hills of Africa." Were they lion-colored? What color was a lion exactly?

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    Sebastian Rotella

    Raymond collected expressions. He repeated them in experimental accents, as if learning a tune. He sounded like an Eighteenth Street Mexican when he said cuate, like a Logan Square cubano when he said comemierda.

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    Sebastian Rotella

    That Raymond was something," Nestor said. "Very talented." "Perhaps not the best pianist." Bocha grimaced apologetically, as if compelled to put that evaluation on the record. "He used to tell me he was basically faking it on the piano," Pescatore said. "He said he played just well enough to get into trouble.

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    Sebastian Rotella

    That's what happens. Governments fuck you around. People fuck you around. By the time they're done, you don't know who you are. Especially if you weren't sure to begin with.

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    Sebastian Rotella

    There may be obstacles, but money is not one," the Iranian said. "Good. Money is usually an obstacle if you don't have it.