Best 3 quotes of Megan Wong on MyQuotes

Megan Wong

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    Megan Wong

    The caves were pressing down on Monica. The walls were caving in. She could hear the earth rumbling, threatening to crush her. Huge boulders fell, ready to smash her flat, but she wasn't afraid. She was a demon; the earth was hers to command.

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    Megan Wong

    Time, it would take, but he would reach the merpeople and destroy every civilization beneath the surface of the waves.

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    Megan Wong

    You know, after all these years, there is something that I have learned about my gift." She paused, taking a deep breath. "It is not special. All merpeople have the potential to be great healers. All it takes is work and practice. There is a misconception that we must be born with the ability, and that what we are born with determines who we are and what we can do. "But that's not true. I could teach any merperson to heal as long as they have the desire to learn and the persistence to never give up. Our gifts do not determine what we do; that is for our own minds to decide. You have the power to decide when and where you want to use your gift. The younger generations are so set in the belief that it must come easily to them, that it must be natural or else it is not their calling. But it is the interest that really determines what we do. If we are interested, then we can do anything. Think on that, Adam.