Best 25 quotes in «select quotes» category

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    Pick a mentor. Select and be closer to someone who is there to talk to you, inspire you, and be on you, monitoring your affairs and movements for the best reasons and ensuring that your dreams become fruitful.

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    My principle of success is SSET. That is, S - Select, S - See, E - Expect, T - Take. Select what you want in your mind. See what you want in your mind. Expect to get anything you want in your mind, as much as you'd like to get something you purchased online. Take it because it's for you.

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    A book of poems doesn't just come out by chance, an editor has to select it, a publisher has to distribute it or you will never see it.

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    A merchant is someone who figures out how to select, how to smell, how to identify, how to feel, how to time, how to buy, how to sell, and how to hopefully have two plus two equal six.

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    To become greater in anything you can do, prepare to be a rejecter of everything that you cannot do. Neglect whatever activities that do not contribute to your success and you will never regret the path you select!

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    For me now, it's about what you would write and what you wouldn't write, and that's how I select what I am going to do. It can be quite nice being brought a concept by a studio for me to work on.

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    A patient doesn't select his physical ailments. They happen to him. You could just as well ask when you are eaten by a crocodile, 'How did you select that crocodile?'. Nonsense. He has selected you. The patient doesn't even select the symptoms unconsciously. That is an extraordinary exaggeration of the subject to say he was choosing such things. They get him.

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    Haven't got a girl, but I can wish. So I'll take me down to Main Street and that's where I'll select my imaginary dish.

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    Free markets select for winning solutions.

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    If one were forced to select a single word to exemplify Bishop's peculiar charm and power, it might well be 'No.'

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    I select my technology based on what I need and I also don't take up what I don't feel that I need.

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    Like a historian, I interpret, select, discard, shape, simplify. Unlike a historian, I make up people's thoughts.

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    Below are some quotations along these lines. Select a quote for your Gothic Myspace layout or contribute one of your own.

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    I grew up in a fundamentalist protestant family that stressed that we were a select people and so we were to avoid contact with others who did not share our faith.

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    In the interest of not pissing you off anymore tonight, let's not select that particular playlist.

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    It is our duty to select the best and most dependable theory that human intelligence can supply, and use it as a raft to ride the seas of life.

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    My thoughts are my company; I can bring them together, select them, detain them, dismiss them.

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    Punishment as punishment is not admissible unless the offender has had the freewill to select his course.

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    True friends are families which you can select.

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    Some people standby you in your darkest hour while others walk away; only a select few march towards you and become even closer friends.

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    The ultimate freedom we have as human beings is the power to select what we will allow or require our minds to dwell upon.

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    Please select a card. No I don't have to see the card...I've already seen this trick.

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    The select natures who pant after the ideal, and find nothing in pantaloons or petticoats great enough to command their reverence and love, are curiously in unison with the narrowest and pettiest.

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    Work is underway to select the go forward smartphone brand.

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    You can set your self as much as be sick, or you'll be able to select to remain properly.