Best 35 quotes in «profile quotes» category

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    Now... now I am like you... - Repeating (Can't Recall Information) - Self-Destructive (Behavior) - Zombie - NON conclusive Creature

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    Why, 'inspire?' As y'all can see I love things with the word, 'inspire!' Well, let me remind you that all inspiration comes from God, and my prayer, is that He will lead me, to inspire you to find the true inspiration that He will freely give to you!

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    This was his first trip on the Ossifar Distana, his first real splash in life. Look what it got him. Mister Smiff liked anonymity. He kept a low profile, often traveling under assumed names, claiming to be anything from a banker to a (very) successful life insurance salesman. He’d never broken the law, at least not irreparably. He was quite generous, well liked, sponsoring many charities anonymously – which is why it was so surprising to find him floating face down in the private spa in his apartment, murdered. He had been murdered, unless it was a freak shaving accident. Those old razors weren’t called cut-throats for nothing. Yikes.

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    A competent portraitist knows how to imply the profile in the full face.

    • profile quotes
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    Behind a smoke screen of high-profile female appointees and soothing slogans, George W. Bush is waging war on women.

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    'Digiphrenia' is really the experience of trying to exist in more than one incarnation of yourself at the same time. There's your Twitter profile, there's your Facebook profile, there's your email inbox. And all of these sort of multiple instances of you are operating simultaneously and in parallel.

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    Your ears are lovely , he said, but there's a kind of eerie beauty to your profile.

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    An investigation may take six months. A quick interview, profile, a day.

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    I keep a pretty low profile. I live in Culver City with some roommates. I don't do the whole 'Hollywood' thing.

    • profile quotes
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    I liked playing Morph in Mash and Peas and doing Phil Daniels in the Blur Rock Profile was a giggle too.

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    I make my friends pull up their profiles and I'm like, "Show me everything.

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    I'm gonna walk down the aisle in style and profile.

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    I'm not one to go on blogs and things like that, but we do have our own personal Twitter profiles, so we get a lot of tweets, and they are pretty passionate. It's fun. I like it.

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    I like [John Cardinal O'Connor] a lot. He - I started a - to know him - when I asked William Shawn at The New Yorker, `Sh - can I do a profile of Cardinal O'Connor?' He said, `All right. Find out what he's like.' So I went to his office, and I heard somebody - and it turned out to be O'Connor - yelling outside, and I've never heard him since raise his voice.

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    I'm not as famous as Stephen Hawking, but certainly in the U.S., I have a very high profile for a scientist. It is an awesome responsibility, one that I don't shoulder lightly.

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    It is time to know more about would-be terrorists, to profile for terrorists and to actively discriminate based on suspicious terrorist information.

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    I understood public relations and always maintained a high profile.

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    I would guess that the typical profile of a 'follower' is someone who is young and who feels marginalised, empty and pointless. They don't have an inner life.

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    Marketers can target Sponsored Updates to any segment of our premium audience based on professional profile data across more than 225 million members.

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    The hours Facebook users put into their profiles and lists and updates is the labor that Facebook then sells to the market researchers and advertisers it serves.

    • profile quotes
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    That's the power behind a tool like Facebook Connect. It is making a Web without walls. Facebook allows you to go to other sites to comment, rate, etc., without having to set up a new profile for that site.

    • profile quotes
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    The United States must keep a low profile in Vietnam so we can negotiate its neutralization like we did in Laos .

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    There are actually quite high profile British TV star cameos in it that you probably wouldn't even notice, that the British wouldn't even notice, let alone the American audience.

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    Were I to put myself on... one of those online dating things, I would not include in my profile that I'm regularly hospitalized for psychosis. But I do know that when I get really bad, there is a place for me to go where I will feel better.

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    Very narrow areas of expertise can be very productive. Develop your own profile. Develop your own niche.

    • profile quotes
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    The one good thing is that I get a lot more good scripts coming through my letterbox. 'Vera Drake' raised my profile in one way, and then 'Harry Potter' in another.

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    We should profile Muslims, or anyone who looks like he or she could conceivably be Muslim, and we should be honest about it.

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    When my friends lack an eye, I look at them in profile.

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    Everyone's life has got at least one biggest positive surprise just wait for your's.

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    As a British person living in the USA, I keep a low profile on Independence Day, July 4th.

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    Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, the higher your profile, the more castable you are in TV dramas.

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    Connect with my energy, not my photographic image.

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    He was close enough now to see that her profile was designed to do dramatic things to hearts: stop them, steal them, break them.

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    I hate third-­person bios. Writing about yourself in the third person is bullshit. I’m done with that.

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    Eyes skip a low-key profile.