Best 114 quotes in «shelter quotes» category

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    People say history is boring, and that is true because people are boring. We haven't changed since time began. We're still the same. We've obviously made some changes. When we started, it was all about food, clothing and shelter. Now we watch 'Top Chef', 'Project Runway', and 'Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.

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    Rid yourself of the old myth, if it has been plaguing you, that money is not important. It is important - vitally important! It is just as important as the food it buys, the shelter it provides, the doctor bills it pays, and the education it helps to procure.

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    The first man of science was he who looked into a thing, not to learn whether it furnished him with food, or shelter, or weapons, or tools, armaments, or playwiths but who sought to know it for the gratification of knowing.

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    Socialists ignore the side of man that is the spirit. They can provide you shelter, fill your belly with bacon and beans, treat you when you're ill, all the things guaranteed to a prisoner or a slave. They don't understand that we also dream.

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    The most fitting monuments this nation can build are schoolhouses and homes for those who do the work of the world. It is no answer to say that they are accustomed to rags and hunger. In this world of plenty every human being has a right to food, clothes, decent shelter, and the rudiments of education.

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    The general public will almost always stand behind the traditionalists. In the public eye, architecture is about comfort, about shelter, about bricks and mortar.

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    The human heart finds nowhere shelter but in human kind.

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    To equip a pedestrian with shelter, bedding, utensils, food, and other necessities, in a pack so light and small that he can carry it without overstrain, is really a fine art.

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    The ultimate goal of Bhakti is to get Krishna and we get it by taking shelter of the holy name.

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    This life will never be without storms. Stop fearing the storm. Build your inner shelter.

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    When Gimme Shelter was recorded, early '69 or something, it was a time of war and tension, so that's reflected in this tune. It's still wheeled out when big storms happen, as they did the other week. It's been used a lot to evoke natural disaster.

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    We few, we happy few, we band of brothers - joined in the serious business of keeping our food, shelter, clothing and loved ones from combining with oxygen.

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    Welcome thy neighbor into thy fallout shelter. He'll come in handy if you run out of food.

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    All really inhabited space bears the essence of the notion of home. -Gaston Bachelard

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    When the blessed Spirit, that bloweth where it listeth, visits you and stirs the plumage of the soul, seek no cowardly shelter from it, but fling yourself upon it, and, though its sweep be awful, you shall be sustained. Only do this, do all, not in presumptuous daring, but in divine submission; in dependence, not on any strength that can be spent, but on the ever-living stay of all that trust in Him.

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    When the storms of life come, if they come to me personally, to my family or to the world, I want to be strong enough to stand and be a strength to somebody else, be shelter for somebody else.

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    all day long, one storm then another—and I take your hands like gentle flowers that blossom into awareness

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    Although home still represents stability in an unstable world, we're beginning to see that home can be how we live, a situation that we create and recreate. Home is less attached to bricks and mortar and more about the lives we lead, the ways that we connect with each other, the communities we build. Home is a state of mind, something we make for ourselves wherever we can. Hygge is the home we make in the flux and flow of our lives.

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    Why are we not tasting the bliss of Bhakti? Because we are taking shelter of stone boats. We are sinking and drowning in Maya & still we are further taking shelter of stone boats and this can go on life after life.

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    You never knew what to expect with Ingrid. One minute she could be sawing the locks off Pierpont's freezers; the next, providing shelter for the homeless birds of Switzerland.

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    And what's more, he'll go and live with his friend unless his friend is allowed to come in and live with him...His friend must have a silk cushion just like his and sleep in your room too. Otherwise he will go and sleep in the coal-cellar with his friend

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    Be thankful that you have clothes to wear, food to eat and a place to sleep.

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    An essential ingredient to hygge is the boundary that marks a place or delineates a moment - a fence, a circle of cushions or a stolen half hour.

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    Architecture is about the understanding of the world and turning it into a more meaningful and humane place. -Juhani Pallasmaa

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    Everyone is in need of a shelter from the storm, be the shelter, be kind.

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    Do not inquire he name if him who asks a shelter of you. The very man who's embarrassed by his name is the one who needs shelter

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    Families are wonderful institution," he said. "I value mine more than I can possibly say. But each of us has an individual life to live, our own path to tread, our own destiny to forge. You can imagine, if you will, how my family wished to shelter and protect me and do my living for me so that I would never again know fear or pain or abandonment. Eventually I had to step clear of them-or I might have fallen into the temptation of allowing them to do just that.

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    I continued to work with uncertainty and the impending 90 days ticking away at the shelter. I didn't make enough money to pay rent in L.A., my employer was in a downward spiral, headed for bankruptcy and there was really nothing else keeping me in Hollywood. I didn't have a band, family or friends. The only people I associated with were coworkers at Tower and the drug addicts at the homeless shelter. And both were about to become history. I contemplated the scenario of not finding a place to rent and Tower Records going out of business. I had to figure out what I was going to do? Where was I going to go? I had to make a decisive, drastic decision!

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    God has created the trees as the sources of food and shelter for others. He has so sensibly not given the trees any weapons like horns, pointed teeth or intelligence to protect themselves. Say, if we went to pluck a mango and if the tree attacked us, then it would be difficult for us to survive! God has not given horns to a lion because it already has a weapon to protect himself- razor-sharp teeth. God has not given the humans horns or sharp teeth but more valuable gift- intelligence!

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    God is my shelter.

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    He loved the sea for deep-seated reasons: the hardworking artist's need for repose, the desire to take shelter from the demanding diversity of phenomena in the bosom of boundless simplicity, a propensity—proscribed and diametrically opposed to his mission in life and for that very reason seductive—a propensity for the unarticulated, the immoderate, the eternal, for nothingness. To repose in perfection is the desire of all those who strive for excellence, and is not nothingness a form of perfection?

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    HIDEAWAY Preserve that secret, homey spot in your heart, as sanctuary where dreams may be softly tended, and revived.

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    I don't know what's worse by number in America, the vacant houses standing, or the homeless people falling into them.

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    Getting through life without a lot of money, possessions, and/or friends is admirable, especially if it is by choice.

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    He was led by the girl to a courtyard that gave off a lavish look. Such was the grace of the place that it would have been demeaned if a common traveler were to find shelter here.

    • shelter quotes
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    I felt it shelter to speak to you. -Emily Dickinson

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    I feel ugly” I said and you looked at me as if I spoke a different language. There are things you will never understand and if there were words to describe the rapture that takes place in my head from time to time I would put my hand in front of your eyes to protect you from all the ugliness in the world. I kept my eyes on the streetlights outside the window and you kissed every inch of my body as if you could kiss the pain away.

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    If the military boats that patrol the waters spot them, they risk being shot. However, if they are seen by any infected, it could mean a relentless siege upon their temporary shelter.

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    Madness is like an alternative residence. When sanity chases you out of home, take shelter in madness.

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    In a novel, you'll find yourself in a world of possibilities. You'll find shelter there.

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    Inside each of us are memories, fantasies and desires for home - a shelter waiting to be built, a place of peace to be revisited.

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    I see the task of architecture as the defence of the authenticity of human experience. -Juhani Pallasmaa

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    If you are tired, take shelter in silence! If you want to find the truth, take shelter in silence! If you're tired of people, if you missed yourself, if you just want to watch the world or if you want to heal your soul, take shelter in silence!

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    I'll be your blanket, baby. Wrap yourself up in me. Let me give you shelter, in the winter of this world.

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    I'm lonely, Yes! I'm so lonely. I'm Just a sad tear that came out of the depths of pain. I have neither friend nor a lover. I live in an empty dark shell. Punctuated by the lights of my dreams. I hear a whisper. I hear an echo. Why everything I love in this world. It's expensive, or it makes me sad. Beyond my shell, there is an empty world. A world filled with hatred and lies. A world filled with vanity and treason. A world filled with injustice and selfishness. There is a noise in my silence, but I shout quietly. So as to your pure heart can hear me. I tried to escape from my bitter reality. A reality that walks against my dreams. I found out that sleep is my best shelter. Because life is easy when eyes are closed. So I give up my eyes, and went to sleep. Then suddenly! I felt a call, something tried to wake me up. I felt whispers caressing my soul. That together we stand, divided we fall. That you are the king of my thrown, And only beside you, I feel like I have everything. I love you my shell, my home.

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    It is in the shelter of each other that the people live. -Irish proverb

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    I was banished from that world forever, I knew. I couldn't go back now. One day soon I would go away from here entirely; I would leave this house, perhaps never to return. I hugged myself, comforting my fear. Very well then, I thought, I will be my own house. I will build myself a house out of my own flesh and bones where my frightened child-self can find shelter. After all, isn't that one of the things that women do? We are houses for our children, shielding them from harm within the stronghold of our bodies, until they are strong enough to breathe and walk alone. So surely I must be able to give myself shelter now.

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    Love is a magical shelter where you will feel yourself safe beneath it!

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    Maybe, someday we all will come out of those beautiful and warm shelters we have built around us and open our arms to the storms, smiling at them. Maybe, we all will finally let them take us all and throw in the middle of nowhere. Where nobody knows each other anymore, and we are all strangers again.

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    Parenting goes beyond providing foods, shelter, clothing, and other basic necessities. Nurturing a child to travel in the direction of positive enlightenment, is arguably the greatest thing that you could do for a child.