Best 127 quotes in «finishing quotes» category

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    Starting is not most people’s problem, staying, continuing and finishing is.

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    Success in America comes in over a million flavors... all you have you have to do is try one.

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    The idea of a vision is revolutionary and ground breaking but achieving it may be back breaking.

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    Starting something can be easy, it is finishing it that is the highest hurdle.

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    You need two things to write a great book: imagination and inclination. Without one, your book will be boring; without the other, your book won't get finished at all.

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    The thing about finishing a story is that finishing is really only the beginning.

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    You will never know what you are made of until you have to made of something.

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    Always quit for the day when you know what you want to do next.

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    A painting is finished when to have done less would be considered a sin and more a crime.

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    Beginning well is a momentary thing; finishing well is a lifelong thing

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    The secret is not following the right path, it's following that right path to the end. Don't quit, my friend, until you've arrived.

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    When you put the hard work in... reward will come out.

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    You are too important to the bigger picture to just fall off the canvas.

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    A fine suggestion, a sketch with great feeling, can be as expressive as the most finished product.

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    After finishing a draft, no matter how rough, I almost always put it aside for a while. It doesn't matter if it's a story or a novel, I find that when it's still fresh in my mind I'm either thoroughly sick of its flaws or completely blind to them. Either way, I'm unable to make substantive edits of any value.

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    After finishing the work I start rearranging the parts again and eventually start to work with themes - images and thoughts and things.

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    And so out of the blue the call did come and said, you know, "Would you be - would you consider turning this [The Starter Wife] now into a series?" And so obviously that was a shock. And all the conversations began. And, you know, and now we're here. Now we're finishing up our last episode right now.

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    And then there is the magnificent Thierry Henry - someone who has blistering pace and is unbelievable when he is finishing at his best.

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    And then when she takes him through the whole wine tasting process, finishing with a long, languid taste that she really enjoyed “she opened her eyes and saw Nick staring at her. “I feel like I need a cigarette and a shower after watching that.

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    A picture is finished when all trace of the means used to bring about the end has disappeared.

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    At first it was difficult for me to draw. My right hand doesn't work anymore so I had to train myself to use my left hand. But I persevered. The first one I ended up finishing was the duck.

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    Blending is just like writing lyrics or finishing up the song, rearranging and arranging.

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    But-Jace what are you doing?' 'Finishing my shower. And if you‘ve made me run through all the hot water, I‘ll be very annoyed.

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    Business is much less transparent than a win in a Grand Prix; in a race you drive over the finishing line first and you have won. In business it is different.

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    Composing a concert is like composing a menu.... If you start with light pieces and play a 45-minute sonata after the interlude, it's like starting dinner with hors d'oeuvres and dessert and finishing with a Châteaubriand and vegetables.

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    Creative success means balancing your love of starting things with a habit of finishing them.

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    Dreams disdain fine lines and finishing touches on landscapes – they content themselves with thick but representative brushstrokes.

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    Every book I think will be my last one because after finishing I have the sense that I've said all I have to say, but I always seem to find a new way of repeating myself.

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    During one performance of 'Les Miserables,' the barricade didn't leave the stage, so we had to actually end up finishing the second act with the barricades on the stage, which was very strange... doing the love scene on the barricade.

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    Every great painting is left incomplete at the point where its completion is obvious.

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    Finishing food is about the tiny touches. In the last seconds you can change everything.

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    Finishing books - and leaving the world you've created - is always a kind of emotionally wrenching experience. I usually cry.

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    Finishing games has been something I'm really proud of, seeing something through to the end.

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    Deadlines are things that we pass through on the way to finishing.

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    Experimentalists never know when their work is finished.

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    Finishing a good book is like leaving a good friend.

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    For popular purposes, at least, the aim of literary artists should be similar to that of Rubens in his landscapes, of which, without neglecting the minor traits or finishing, he was chiefly solicitous to present the leading effect, or what we may call the inspiration.

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    He made me realize that hard work--that the act of finishing, of completing, of accomplishing a task--is joyous

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    Forgiveness ... is the finishing of old business that allows us to experience the present, free of contamination from the past.

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    Humor is anger that was sent to finishing school.

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    Here's the secret to finishing that first book. Don't rewrite as you go.

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    I'd met Harrison Ford before, but he was just finishing a meet with Jon Favreau and the other producers on the film, and we said "hello" as he walked out and I walked in and sat down and had this meeting with those guys. They basically described what they were looking for, and they thought that I brought a certain amount of authenticity to the genre, and would I want to take part? And I said, "Absolutely! I'd love to!

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    I always say one of my favorite things about making movies is finishing on that last day because I get to have my life back and let that go, and hopefully have a real sense of accomplishment at the end of it.

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    I don't have a problem believing in God and Jesus. But in Genesis one has to wonder about these sentences that just go on and end without finishing. The thought is unfinished. Where did Adam go? What is he doing? Hello? There has to be some pages missing.

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    I don't want to look too far ahead. The journey is what's happening right now, not what's on the finishing line.

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    If you're going to start something-if it's worth starting-then it's worth finishing. That's what I live by.

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    If you turn a smiling face on the world, you've got a chance of finishing up a good-looking old person.

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    Good shoes - they're the ultimate finishing touch. In fact, we actually joke in my family that your shoes have to be shined before you can leave the house.

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    I finished school, because I started when I was thirteen, so basically around 16 or 17, I just focused on finishing high school.

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    If it were possible for any one person or group of persons to go through a photographic finishing plant's work at the end of a day, you could probably pull out the most extraordinary photographic exhibition we've ever seen. On almost any subject. The trouble is to find the things.

    • finishing quotes