Best 25 quotes in «agape love quotes» category

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    Kuna aina tatu za upendo hapa ulimwenguni. Kuna upendo wa ‘agape’, upendo kati ya Mungu na binadamu na kati ya binadamu na binadamu mwenzake lakini hao binadamu shuruti wawe marafiki wa msalaba wa Yesu Kristo. Aidha kuna upendo wa ‘phileo’, upendo kati ya mtu na mtu au kati ya mtu na kitu au kati ya mtu na jambo; na kuna upendo wa ‘philadelphia’, upendo wa wanachama wa mashirika ya siri ambapo mtu humpenda mwenzake kama ndugu yake wakati si ndugu yake. Heri upendo wa ‘agape’ kuliko upendo ajmaina.

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    Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine;

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    Making the choice to exercise compassion is an expression of Love for Humanity and Life itself.

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    We ache with the yearning that turns half into whole and offer no excuses for the beauty of our souls.

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    Our greatest power as nations and individuals is not the ability to employ assault weapons, suicide bombers, and drones to destroy each other. The greater more creative powers with which we may arm ourselves are grace and compassion sufficient enough to love and save each other.

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    The terrible poverty of pride is that there is nothing that can be taken in selfishness which will exceed what is received when nothing is expected and everything is offered.

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    Maybe he [Plato] really couldn't imagine agape between men and women, and he thought agape between men wouldn't be affected by them going off to women at the festivals. Sokrates was married, and Aristotle, but never Plato.

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    Mungu ni baba yetu wa kiroho. Hivyo basi, tunajua ya kuwa upendo wake umehifadhiwa ndani ya mioyo yetu. Kwa hiyo, kila mtu ana upendo wa ‘agape’ kwa kiasi fulani; lakini si upendo kamili. Upendo wa ‘agape’ kati ya binadamu na binadamu unahusiana na upendo wa kujitolea kwa ajili ya binadamu wengine. Kila mtu ana kiasi fulani cha upendo huo. Mtu akitaka awe na upendo kamili wa ‘agape’ sharti awe mtiifu na mnyenyekevu mbele za Mungu, na mbele ya binadamu wenzake, sharti ampende Mungu, na sharti ampende jirani yake kama anavyoipenda nafsi yake mwenyewe.

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    Out of that union [Kingdom of God reign] we discover love as a life power that has the marvelous, many-sided expression spelled out by Paul in 1 Corinthians 13. But this beautiful statement by Paul is commonly misunderstood in exactly the same legalistic way as is Jesus' Discourse on the Hill. Love, Paul there tells us, is patient, kind, free of jealousy and arrogance, is not rude or self-seeking, is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs, takes no joy in things that are wrong but instead in what is true. It always protects, always accepts, always hopes, and endures everything. And it never quits (1 Cor. 13:4–8). People usually read this, and are taught to read it, as telling them to be patient, kind, free of jealousy, and so on—just as they read Jesus' Discourse as telling them to not call others fools, not look on a woman to lust, not swear, to go the second mile, and so forth. But Paul is plainly saying—look at his words—that it is love that does these things, not us, and that what we are to do is to “pursue love” (1 Cor. 14:1). As we “catch” love, we then find that these things are after all actually being done by us. These things, these godly actions and behaviors, are the result of dwelling in love. We have become the kind of person who is patient, kind, free of jealousy, and so on. Paul's message is exactly the same as Jesus' message. And no wonder, for as Paul was always the first to say, he learned what he taught from Jesus (Gal. 1:12).

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    There is within the human heart a quality of intelligence which has been known to surpass that attributed to the human mind.

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    We almost always undervalue the significance of the Victory at the Cross.But as our understanding is gradually enlightened, we are continuously awed at how much the Father hath loved us

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    We are not born to accommodate tyranny over our hearts, minds, bodies, or souls. We are here to confirm an abundance of love-inspired possibilities greater than such restrictions.

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    We do not measure the value of a person by their outward appearance, rank, or creed, rather by the sum of the agápe in their heart. Your value in the cosmos is greater than precious metals or jewels, humans have to potential to take us all into a period of great enlightenment, or to our ruin. The choice is yours.

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    Agape doesn't love somebody because they're worthy. Agape makes them worthy by the strength and power of its love. Agape doesn't love somebody because they're beautiful. Agape loves in such a way that it makes them beautiful.

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    Agape" is loving a person for exactly who they are - not who we hope they'll become with enough fixing. It's this idea that every person has their layers, so you can never confine a person to only what you know about them from the first glance. It's stacked on the premise that to love anyone is to hope in them always.

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    This world’s anguish is no different from the love we insist on holding back.

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    Agape is a sobering love to receive, for it says, ‘If I cannot love you for who you are, then I will do so despite who you are.’ It is unique in that it is able to love those whom it cannot like.

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    Agape makes 'neighbors' out of those who would otherwise be our enemies.

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    Agape love is strengthened by the person who expresses it - not by the person who receives it. In fact, the person who receives agape love does not have to show any appreciation at all.

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    Everywhere you find yourself a great opportunity for you to manifest agape love and give. This must be your lifestyle everyday.

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    Immature love seeks to change the beloved for its own benefit. Mature love seeks to see the beloved change for their benefit. Sacrificial love recognizes that there may be wounds so deep that their beloved may not be able to change. It is content to care, sometimes without the contentment which is to be found in being cared for.

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    If the idea of loving those whom you have been taught to recognize as your enemies is too overwhelming, consider more deeply the observation that we are all much more alike than we are unalike.

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    I live by the maxim, love people when they least expect it and least deserve it. That how you change someone’s life forever.

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    How can we know something that surpasses or is beyond knowledge? How can we know something that is beyond words?... We can and do use words to point to all of our human experiences. However, the experience of "God as Agape" is beyond words, beyond the limitations of our minds.

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    In its essence, Elemental, the Power of Illuminated Love, maintains we are all on a quest to experience qualities of compassion and acceptance capable of helping to sustain both the individual and the larger society. Because such a journey tends to take place even more within than without, the visual imagery, words, and music of ILLUMINATED LOVE incorporates both levels of that reality.