Best 8519 quotes in «time quotes» category

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    If the term discussion has always seemed to me to imply mild warnings of wasted time, workshop sets off a clangorous alarm.

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    If the whole human race lay in one grave, the epitaph on its headstone might well be: 'It seemed like a good idea at the time.'

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    if the way ahead is not clear, time is often the best editor of one's intentions.

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    If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be, as Poor Richard says, “the greatest prodigality'; since, as he elsewhere tells us, 'Lost time is never found again'; and 'What we call time enough always proves little enough'. Let us then up and be doing, and doing to the purpose; so by diligence shall we do more with less perplexity.

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    If time flies when you're having fun, it hits the afterburners when you don't think you're having enough.

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    If two men on the same job agree all the time, then one is useless. If they disagree all the time, both are useless.

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    If time, like money, could be laid by while one was not using it, there might be some excuse for the idleness of half of the world, but yet not a full one. For even this would be such an economy as the living on a principal sum, without making it purchase interest.

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    If thou would'st have me sing and play As once I play'd and sung, First take this time-worn lute away, And bring one freshly strung.

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    If time has no beginning and no end, everything is happening, will happen, has happened, at the same moment. All eternity in a single moment.

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    ...if we are to make significant progress on meeting these Goals and stay true to the promise the world made to build a better, fairer world for all, there is no time to lose in putting in place the necessary policies and resources needed to achieve these aims.

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    If we consider eternity, into that time never entered; eternity is not an everlasting flux of time, but time is as a short parenthesis in a long period; and eternity had been the same as it is, though time had never been.

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    If we didn't spend so much time reacting to things, we would spend less time feeling bothered. We would be able to relax in our lives the way our mind relaxes in meditation.

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    If we do not now dare everything, the fulfillment of that prophecy, re-created from the Bible in song by a slave, is upon us: God gave Noah the rainbow sign. No more water, fire next time.

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    If we lose our Money, it gives us some Concern. If we are cheated or robb'd of it, we are angry: But Money lost may be found; what we are robb'd of may be restored: The Treasure of Time once lost, can never be recovered; yet we squander it as tho' 'twere nothing worth, or we had no Use for it.

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    If we men married the women we deserved, we should have a very bad time of it.

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    If we take care of the inches, we will not have to worry about the miles.

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    If you are living in the past or in the future, you will never find a meaning in the present.

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    If you are killing time, it's not murder. It's suicide.

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    If you are losing your leisure, look out! You are losing your soul.

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    If you can play the first ten or fifteen moves in just as many minutes, you can be in a state of bliss for the rest of the game. If, on the other hand, Bronstein thinks for forty minutes about his first move, then time trouble is inevitable.

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    If you dissemble sometimes your knowledge of that you are thought to know, you shall be thought, another time, to know that you know not.

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    If you don't enjoy getting up and working and finishing your work and sitting down to a meal with family or friends, then the chances are you're not going to be happy. If someone bases his happiness or unhappiness on major events like a great new job, huge amounts of money, a flawlessly happy marriage or a trip to Paris, that person isn't going to be happy much of the time. If, on the other hand, happiness depends on a good breakfast, flowers in the yard, a drink or a nap, then we are more likely to live with quite a bit of happiness.

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    If you do not know where you are going, every road will get you nowhere

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    If you go far enough out you can see the Universe itself, all the billion light years summed up time only as a flash, just as lonely, as distant as a star on a June night if you go far enough out. And still, my friend, if you go far enough out you are only at the beginning - of yourself.

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    If you grow a garden you are going to shed some sweat, and you are going to spend some time bent over; you will experience some aches and pains. But it is in the willingness to accept this discomfort that we strike the most telling blow against the power plants and what they represent.

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    If you have only two or three things that you can enjoy and they are things which time and decay may remove from you, what are you going to do in old age?

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    If you procrastinate when faced with a big difficult problem... break the problem into parts, and handle one part at a time.

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    If you realize too acutely how valuable time is, you are too paralyzed to do anything.

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    If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.

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    If your opponent is short (on time), play just as you played earlier in the game. If you are short keep calm, I repeat, don't get flustered. Keep up the same neat writing of the moves, the same methodical examination of variations, but at a quicker rate.

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    If you see one cold and vehement at the same time, set him down for a fanatic.

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    If youth be a defect, it is one that we outgrow only too soon.

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    If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.

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    If you want to kill time why not try working it to death.

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    If you want to be listened to, you should put in time listening.

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    If you want to reach a state of bliss, then go beyond your ego and the internal dialogue. Make a decision to relinquish the need to control, the need to be approved, and the need to judge. Those are the three things the ego is doing all the time. It's very important to be aware of them every time they come up.

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    If you wouldn't live long, live well; for folly and wickedness shorten life.

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    I had come in time to learn that it was a mistake to smile a friendly smile when somebody made a fool of me.

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    I had a wonderful time with the Stones but after 31 years, I thought it was time to move on.

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    I have a promptness problem. I am a promptness-free zone.

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    I have seen the future and it's like the present, only longer.

    • time quotes
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    I have a vocabulary all my own. I "pass the time" when it is wet and disagreeable. When it is fine I do not wish to pass it; I ruminate it and hold on to it. We should hasten over the bad, and settle upon the good.

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    I have had my results for a long time: but I do not yet know how I am to arrive at them.

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    I have had the irreplaceable opportunity of learning my profession with the proper tools, the most important of which is not a pencil or a typewriter, but the necessary time to think before using them.

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    I have lived long enough. My way of life is to fall into the sere, the yellow leaf, and that which should accompany old age, as honor, love, obedience, troops of friends I must not look to have.

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    I have not time to say any more, but to beg you will give my duty to the Queen, and let her know her army has had a glorious victory. MonsieurTallard and two other generals are in my coach, and I am following the rest.

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    I have often wished I had time to cultivate modesty... but I am too busy thinking about myself.

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    I have seen better faces in my time Than stands on any shoulder that I see Before me at this instant.

    • time quotes
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    I have so much to do! And there's so little time!

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    I hear the ruin of all space, shattered glass and toppled masonry, and time one livid final flame.