Best 212 quotes in «dogma quotes» category

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    Many orthodox people speak as though it were the business of sceptics to disprove received dogmas rather than of dogmatists to prove them. This is, of course, a mistake.

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    Modern philosophy certainly exacts a surrender of all supernaturalism and fixed dogma and rigid institutionalism with which Christianity has been historically associated

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    Men will die upon dogma but will not fall victim to a conclusion.

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    My rap comes from a sociological standpoint rather than picking a particular side or dogma or ideology. I just want people to be free to do what they want, as long as they don't harm others.

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    My parents had broken through the shackles of dogma

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    My karma just ran over my dogma.

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    No hoary falsehood shall be a truth to me; no stifling dogma shall encramp my pen!

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    No country or people who are slaves to dogma and dogmatic mentality can progress.

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    Nothing can save us from a perpetual headlong fall into a bottomless abyss but a solid footing of dogma; and we no sooner agree to that than we find that the only trustworthy dogma is that there is no dogma.

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    Once you subscribe to an ideological dogma as a solution to certain grievances, it then frames your mindset.

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    One cannot escape dogmas—those who hold most firmly to dogmas today are those whose only dogma is that dogmas should be feared like the plague.

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    Neither acquiescence in skepticism nor acquiescence in dogma is what education should produce.

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    Our creationist detractors charge that evolution is an unproved and unprovable charade — a secular religion masquerading as science. They claim, above all, that evolution generates no predictions, never exposes itself to test, and therefore stands as dogma rather than disprovable science. This claim is nonsense.

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    Philosophy begins when one learns to doubt -- particularly to doubt one's cherished beliefs, one's dogmas and one's axioms.

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    Poetry is a religion without hope, but its martyrs guarantee the eternal truth of its dogma.

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    Racism is the dogma that one ethnic group is condemned by nature to congenital inferiority and another group is destined to congenital superiority.

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    Our greatest leaders are neither dreamers nor dictators: They are, like Jefferson, those who articulate national aspirations yet master the mechanics of influence and know when to depart from dogma.

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    Religion without art is a dead system of dogmas which have no effect on life.

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    Religion glorifies the dogma of a despotic, mythical God. Atheism ennobles the interests of free and progressive Man. Religion is superstition. Atheism is sanity. Religion is medieval. Atheism is modern.

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    Religion is not a dogma, nor an emotion, but a service.

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    Science does not aim at establishing immutable truths and eternal dogmas; its aim is to approach the truth by successive approximations, without claiming that at any stage final and complete accuracy has been achieved.

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    Science is based on experiment, on a willingness to challenge old dogma, on an openness to see the universe as it really is. Accordingly, science sometimes requires courage - at the very least the courage to question the conventional wisdom.

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    Take out the kernel of spiritual truth with any faith, and what is left is dogma.

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    The conflict between religion and science is inherent and (very nearly) zero-sum. The success of science often comes at the expense of religious dogma; the maintenance of religious dogma always comes at the expense of science.

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    The dogma of the Ghost in the machine.

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    Really new trails are rarely blazed in the great academies. The confining walls of conformist dogma are too dominating. To think originally, you must go forth into the wilderness.

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    Skepticism is my only gospel, but I don't want to make a dogma out of it.

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    Some interests have got a footing on the earth which we have not made sufficient allowance for.

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    Suretyship (Dogma) is the precursor of ruin.

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    Tarrasch's 'dogmas' are not eternal truisms, but merely instructional material presented in an accessible and witty form, those necessary rudiments from which one can begin to grasp the secrets of chess.

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    The dogma of the infallibility of the Bible is no more self-evident than is that of the infallibility of the popes.

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    The new spirituality will step away from dogma, will step away from 'We're right and you're wrong.'

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    There is no dogma that the organ or harmonium can be used in church, but not the drum.

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    There's nothing within science per se that says medical researchers must not experiment on human subjects; it is the imposition of ethical dogma that constrains the scientist.

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    The search for truth is a cooperative, unending endeavor. We can, and should, engage in it to the extent we can and encourage others to do so as well, seeking to free ourselves from constraints imposed by coercive institutions, dogma, irrationality, excessive conformity and lack of initiative and imagination, and numerous other obstacles.

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    The world does not understand theology or dogma, but it understands love and sympathy.

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    The religion of the future will be cosmic religion. It will transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology.

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    The religion of tomorrow will be less concerned with the dogmas of theology and more concerned with the social welfare of humanity.

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    Too many are too obsessed by method. it becomes a dogma.

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    The truth of our faith becomes a matter of ridicule among the infidels if any Catholic, not gifted with the necessary scientific learning, presents as dogma what scientific scrutiny shows to be false.

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    Under attack, sentiments harden into dogma.

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    To be exact has naught to do with pedantry or dogma.

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    Trouble arises when either science or religion claims universal jurisdiction, when either religious dogma or scientific dogma claims to be infallible. Religious creationists and scientific materialists are equally dogmatic and insensitive. By their arrogance they bring both science and religion into disrepute.

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    We crave, we deeply yearn for, release from the limitations of a dogma that declares separation, disunity, and judgment to be the essential condition of life.

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    You can't teach an old dogma new tricks.

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    We are very defensive, and therefore aggressive, when we hold on to a particular belief, a dogmas, or when we worship our particular nationality, with the rag that is called the flag.

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    Women sometimes seem to share a quiet, unalterable dogma of persecution that endows even the most sophisticated of them with the inarticulate poignancy of the peasant.

  • By Anonym will do more harm than good by attempting to supplant old dogmas and customs with new dogmas. It will be the same in the end except that the old is less militant, less dangerous than a new order imposed by enthusiasts.

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    Act beyond reward - think beyond dogmas - and feel beyond differences.

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    All children are curious and I wonder by what process this trait becomes developed in some and suppressed in others. I suspect again that schools and colleges help in the suppression insofar as they meet curiosity by giving the answers, rather than by some method that leads from narrower questions to broader questions. It is hard to satisfy the curiosity of a child, and even harder to satisfy the curiosity of a scientist, and methods that meet curiosity with satisfaction are thus not apt to foster the development of the child into the scientist. I don't advocate turning all children into professional scientists, although I think there would be advantages if all adults retained something of the questioning attitude, if their curiosity were less easily satisfied by dogma, of whatever variety.