Best 16 quotes in «don juan quotes» category

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    It was fun to see him becoming sententious again, glorying in a science he had invented, and as positive as a village soothsayer. 'So one should neither give nor receive?' I laughed. 'And if the lover is poor, his mistress indigent, then both she and he must tactfully let themselves and each other die?' 'Let them die,' he repeated. I had accompanied him as far as the revolving glass door of the lobby. 'Let them die,' he said again. 'It's less dangerous. I can swear on my word of honor that I never gave a present or made a loan or an exchange of anything except . . . this . . .' He waved both hands in a complicated gesture which fleetingly indicated his chest, his mouth, his genitals, his thighs. Thanks no doubt to my fatigue, I was reminded of an animal standing on its hind legs and unwinding the invisible. Then he resumed his strictly human significance, opened the door, and easily mingled with the night outside, where the sea was already a little paler than the sky.

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    There is no born lover, There is no born Don Juan, For we are all lovers.

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    A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war, wide awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance.

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    Mutluluk için doğmadım ben; Ruhum yabancıdır buna; Fayda yok yetkin halinizden: Ben layık değilim ona. İnanın(vicdan bir güvence) Evlilik büyük bir işkence. Size duysam da sıcaklık, Soğuk tutar alışkanlık; Ağlarsınız: o yaşlar benim Dokunmaz hiç yüreğime, Döndürür beni deliye. Hangi gülleri,karar verin, Hymenaios bize hazırlar Belki de çok uzun yıllar!

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    They grieved for those who perished with the cutter, and also for the biscuit casks and butter.

    • don juan quotes
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    Those in Argentina, Mexico and Peru, Colombia and the Caribbean Bear La Mancha and Quixote in their hearts For he is an ultimate and overlooked Don Juan.

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    Nobody knows who I am or what I do. Not even I. Don Juan Matus

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    When people say, "I've told you fifty times," / They mean to scold, and very often do; / When poets say, "I've written fifty rhymes," / They make you dread that they 'II recite them too; In gangs of fifty, thieves commit their crimes; / At fifty love for love is rare, 't is true, / But then, no doubt, it equally as true is, / A good deal may be bought for fifty Louis.

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    Power rests on the kind of knowledge one holds. What is the sense of knowing things that are useless?

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    and there the stories Of martyrs awed, as Spagnoletto tainted His brush with all the blood of all the sainted.

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    A thought expressed is a falsehood." In poetry what is not said and yet gleams through the beauty of the symbol, works more powerfully on the heart than that which is expressed in words. Symbolism makes the very style, the very artistic substance of poetry inspired, transparent, illuminated throughout like the delicate walls of an alabaster amphora in which a flame is ignited. Characters can also serve as symbols. Sancho Panza and Faust, Don Quixote and Hamlet, Don Juan and Falstaff, according to the words of Goethe, are "schwankende Gestalten." Apparitions which haunt mankind, sometimes repeatedly from age to age, accompany mankind from generation to generation. It is impossible to communicate in any words whatsoever the idea of such symbolic characters, for words only define and restrict thought, but symbols express the unrestricted aspect of truth. Moreover we cannot be satisfied with a vulgar, photographic exactness of experimental photoqraphv. We demand and have premonition of, according to the allusions of Flaubert, Maupassant, Turgenev, Ibsen, new and as yet undisclosed worlds of impressionability. This thirst for the unexperienced, in pursuit of elusive nuances, of the dark and unconscious in our sensibility, is the characteristic feature of the coming ideal poetry. Earlier Baudelaire and Edgar Allan Poe said that the beautiful must somewhat amaze, must seem unexpected and extraordinary. French critics more or less successfully named this feature - impressionism. Such are the three major elements of the new art: a mystical content, symbols, and the expansion of artistic impressionability. No positivistic conclusions, no utilitarian computation, but only a creative faith in something infinite and immortal can ignite the soul of man, create heroes, martyrs and prophets... People have need of faith, they need inspiration, they crave a holy madness in their heroes and martyrs. ("On The Reasons For The Decline And On The New Tendencies In Contemporary Literature")

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    Don Juan, azi, nu mai are răbdare să fluiere, nepăsător, între două nopţi de dragoste. Se suie în maşină, grăbit, şi apasă pe accelerator.

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    Only as a warrior can one survive the path of knowledge.

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    The only thing that is real is the being in you that is going to die.

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    To worry is to become accessible, unwittingly accessible. And once you worry you cling to anything out of desperation; and once you cling you are bound to get exhausted or to exhaust whoever or whatever you are clinging to.

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    Es admirable cómo todos los hombres están compendiados en Don Juan. A medida que uno los va conociendo mejor, advierte que aquel personaje es su más fiel retrato. Todos sueñan con las «mil y tres». Todos sueñan con disfrazarse del amante para entrar en la alcoba de la amada ajena. A todos les cosquillea en la imaginación el rapto de la monja. Y al ver una mujer, lo primero que todos piensan es cómo haría yo, si tuviera que hacerlo o si pudiera hacerlo, para añadir ésta a mi lista. No para nada especial. No para ningún refinamiento que no tenga también un gallo. Sino para aumentar la lista y poder cantar sus «mil y tres».

    • don juan quotes