Best 48 quotes in «cleansing quotes» category

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    Indigo has a purifying, stabilizing, cleansing effect when fear, repression, and obsessions have disturbed your mental body. Indigo food vibrations are: blackberries, blue plums, blueberries, purple brocoli, beetroot, and purple grapes.

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    I truly believe that women of my generation can bring a new cleansing element to American public life.

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    I used the Deep Cleansing Masque on my wedding day because I wanted everything - including my complexion - to be perfect!

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    I paint and I sculpt and I enjoy doing things that aren't for the public. There's no pressure to it, it's just something that's a cleansing of the mind.

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    Obscenity is a cleansing process, whereas pornography only adds to the murk.

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    Sage is cleansing and sacred.

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    So you begin to wonder if Leonia's true passion is really, as they say, the enjoyment of new and different things, and not, instead, the joy of expelling, discarding, cleansing itself of a recurrent impurity.

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    The founding fathers gave the House of Representatives one function when it comes to cleansing the office of the presidency and that is impeachment, .. Whether or not a resolution of censure is appropriate is something beyond our constitutional authority.

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    I quite like post-apocalyptic films, things like 'Mad Max' for instance, because they are so full on and there is something quite cleansing about the post-apocalyptic because you can see where we all think we're heading.

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    She viewed ethnic cleansing, famine and genocide as direct threats to her furniture.

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    The Partition of Palestine is illegal. It will never be recognized .... Jerusalem was and will for ever be our capital. Eretz Israel will be restored to the people of Israel. All of it. And for Ever.

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    The body can't distinguish between cleansing and punishing for the body is ignorant, and mute besides.

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    The Palestinians are like crocodiles, the more you give them meat, they want more.

    • cleansing quotes
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    The pain of losing my child was a cleansing experience. I had to throw overboard all excess baggage and keep only what is essential.

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    There are a lot of people in each spot that you don't really know. I work with them that day, and move on and find new people. So purging and cleansing your friend list every day.

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    There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?

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    There is no ethnic cleansing in Bahrain, no mass genocide, no policy of killing innocent people.

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    There is nothing so cleansing or reassuring as a vicarious sadness.

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    there are hundreds who don't know the difference between a cleansing cream and an emollient - which to our minds is practically the same as being illiterate.

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    Allow your pain to cleanse you and burn away what needs to die.

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    There is not one single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population.

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    The Holy Ghost is a comforter and a guide. But it is also a cleansing agent. That is why service in the kingdom is so crucial to enduring. When we are called to serve, we can pray for the Holy Ghost to be our companion with assurance it will come.

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    Every aspect of your life is anchored energetically in your living space, so clearing clutter can completely transform your entire existence.

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    We do not wish and do not need to expel Arabs and take their places.

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    Be as a seed, a seed for change. Allow my gift to grow and rearrange. Multiple blessings for many. For those with none, let there be plenty. p64

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    Careful preparation is necessary before people can perceive something which is there all the time.

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    Confession leads to cleansing.

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    DETOX your mind, body, AND your contact list.

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    The cold and crystal clear water, it falls gently on the sleeper, cleansing the mind and soothing the soul...

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    If you don't smell good, then you don't look good.

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    people who walk around in the rain naked don't get wet: they get washed

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    Too many things in too small a space cut off flow, block creativity, and bury beauty, much like a bad cold can make it hard to breathe. Remove things from this space today.

    • cleansing quotes
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    The time of persecution and opposition is a time of cleansing

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    Many treated his sudden conversion to Christianity with profound suspicion and more than a little distaste. This man of ‘evil disposition’ and ‘vicious inclinations’ had converted, wrote one non-Christian historian, not because of any burning heavenly crosses but because, having recently murdered his wife (he had – allegedly – boiled her in a bath because of a suspected affair with his son), he had been overcome by guilt. Yet the priests of the old gods were intransigent: Constantine was far too polluted, they said, to be purified of these crimes. No rites could cleanse him. At this moment of personal crisis Constantine happened to fall into conversation with a man who assured him that ‘the Christian doctrine would teach him how to cleanse himself from all his offences, and that they who received it were immediately absolved from all their sins’. Constantine, it was said, instantly believed.

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    America's development began with a large-scale ethnic cleansing, unprecedented in human history.

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    we need deep cleansing of our thoughts on and often so that we can recharge our energy for our own health, happiness and purpose

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    Blood is a cleansing and sanctifying thing, and the nation that regards it as the final horror has lost its manhood... there are many things more horrible than bloodshed, and slavery is one of them!

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    Baptism is rich in meaning. It suggests cleansing. When you are a disciple, you understand that you are cleansed by Christ. You understand that Christ died in your place on the cross, paying for your sins, fully forgiving you for all your wrongs. You are cleansed from guilt, and you are becoming a cleaner, healthier, more whole person.

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    Any one who speaks in favor of bringing the Arab refugees back must also say how he expects to take the responsibility for it, if he is interested in the state of Israel. It is better that things are stated clearly and plainly: We shall not let this happen.

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    Every calamity should lead to a thorough cleansing of individual as well as social life.

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    Everybody has to move, run and grab as many [Palestinian] hilltops as they can to enlarge the [Jewish] settlements because everything we take now will stay ours... Everything we don't grab will go to them.

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    Crying is cleansing. There's a reason for tears, happiness or sadness.

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    I' enthusiasm for 'ethnic cleansing' will wane if only sticks and rocks are available for the warring parties.

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    Government intervention in the economy - through taxes, regulation and, most importantly, currency inflation - causes distortions and misallocations of capital that must eventually be unwound. The distortions degrade the general standard of living, and the economy goes into a recession (call that an incomplete cleansing). Or it goes into a depression - wherein the entire sickly structure comes unglued.

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    I eat lots of fruit for breakfast because it's cleansing and quickly digested by the body.

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    I don't think nations can stand aside for ethnic cleansing and genocide.

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    How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to.

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    I love Neutrogena's Makeup Remover Cleansing Wipes. They get all my makeup off and are really moisturizing.