Best 293 quotes in «heartbroken quotes» category

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    There is a ghost here. A lonely, heartbroken spirit. The ghost of everything that could've been and never was.

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    There are a million ways to lose someone you love.

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    There's no point in burying a hatchet if you're going to put up a marker on the site.

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    The men and woman who make the best boon companions seem to have given up hope of doing something else...some defect of talent or opportunity has cut them off from their pet ambition and has thus left them with leisure to take an interest in their lives of others. Your ambition may be, it makes him keep his thoughts at home. But the heartbroken people - if I may use the word in a mild, benevolent sense - the people whose wills are subdued to fate, give us consolation, recognition, and welcome.

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    The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.

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    There were a couple of years where I got a bit lost - I went out too much, I was a bit heartbroken, thought I was a bit more of a dude than I really was. I would love to go back and have a strong word with myself.

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    They should tell you when you’re born: have a suitcase heart, be ready to travel.

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    The relationship between My Chemical Romance and Michael Pedicone is over. He was caught red-handed stealing from the band and confessed to police after our show last night in Auburn, Washington. We are heartbroken and sick to our stomachs over this entire situation.

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    The worst kind of pain is when you're smiling just to stop the tears from falling.

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    They themselves mocked Africa, trading stories of absurdity, of stupidity, and they felt safe to mock, because it was a mockery born of longing, and of the heartbroken desire to see a place made whole again.

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    You can victimize yourself by wallowing around in your own past.

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    We have to do with the past only as we can make it useful to the present and the future.

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    What I am telling you is that you do not need to know to love, and it is right that you feel it all in any moment. And it is right that you see it through--that you are amazed, then curious, then belligerent, then heartbroken, then numb. You have the right to all of it.

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    You never write a speech in advance because if you don't get to use it, you'll be heartbroken.

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    A broken heart can be as lethal as a bullet to the brain.

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    After a while, it all started to fade. No more pain, no more unwanted thoughts and no sound. Just darkness. I welcomed it. I was done.

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    A kiss…. ….. is just a kiss…. Until it’s all you reminisce. (Then the memory becomes your most treasured possession.)

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    All I wanted was to merge with the same person who had broken me, thinking that he was the only one who could fill in all the little crevices making me feel whole again.

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    All men are afflicted with some burden or the other,” he said, “and one can be fooled into thinking a fellow is uncaring when all he is, is heart-broken.

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    And now in her deep heart an even sharper pain was stirring, a pain which would stay with her always.

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    And there he was waiting for the song to end, but it started again, like it's on repeat, maybe he is never meant to be happy, maybe this is the only feeling life has for him.

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    As a kid my heart would break for the villains.

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    A speeding bullet from a speeding car could not penetrate his heart

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    Things may not go to plan, but the unexpected throws up experiences and opportunities you had never dreamed of. I didn't get into Oxford the first time. I was absolutely heartbroken. Instead of going anywhere else I took a year out and reapplied. I wish I'd had some kind of framework for that year out, instead I worked in a Virgin Megastore. But looking back it taught me a lot, and meant my university experience was different, not worse. In the end, your grades aren't as important as the people you meet, and you can meet them anywhere.

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    Think about any attachments that are depleting your emotional reserves. Consider letting them go.

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    You're gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul

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    All lies, freckled vows, crying-weeping on your toes Expected jelly beans gusto, got yourself a life imperfecto Too good a gal, too arrogant a gal Too independent, too in need of Chanel Took a careless ride, leaped for a perilous dive Now look who thrived, who gave you a vibe. - Chicken In Chicken Out

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    Although she was beautiful, he knew that that wasn’t enough anymore.

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    Ash had said that eyes were windows to a person's soul, but hers were the windows to his. ~ Dante

    • heartbroken quotes
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    As if you gave your heart to autumn, for What it destroys never blossoms again

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    As I observed him sitting there, a heavy look in his eyes, I longed to reach behind that barrier and pull out the warm, sensitive, passionate man I knew was trapped inside. There was nothing worse than feeling someone’s potential.

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    A single heartbreak teaches you more than what a lifetime of schooling can

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    As mãos de Zahara apertaram fortemente a saia. - Vais infligir-me a humilhação de ser eu a dizê-lo? Lochan levantou-se. - Jamais desejaria que te humilhasses. Eu sei, sei-o há já demasiado tempo. Zahara sentiu o coração pular. - Se o sabes, porque nunca… - Esquece-me, Zahara, pois não sinto o mesmo – interrompeu ele. Ela recuou. - Mentes… Porquê? Eu sei… O modo como me tratas, como me olhas. Eu sei que gostas de mim, vejo-o no teu olhar, vejo-o neste instante! Lochan sentiu os olhos dela mergulharem nos seus. - Durante anos foram-me apresentados pretendentes das mais nobres famílias – ouviu – Todos me dariam o conforto a que estava habituada, todos me cobririam de jóias, de vestidos luxuosos... no entanto, eu recusava-os. Recusava-os porque não via nada no seu olhar. Para eles, eu seria como um troféu, serviria apenas para provocar inveja. Uma nuvem cobriu o sol, deixando-os na sombra. - Inconscientemente tornei-me arrogante, altiva, somente para os afastar de mim, para que não desejassem casar-se com alguém como eu… Mas tu, tu viste para além da máscara que construí. Naquele dia, na capital, tu viste o que ninguém foi capaz de ver: o meu coração. - Zahara… - Não acredito que não sintas qualquer amor por mim. Lochan voltou-lhe as costas. - Não quero saber se és pobre, não me importo com o teu passado. O que sinto por ti é o que sempre desejei sentir – ouviu. O silêncio envolveu-os por momentos. - Lamento… Zahara correu para a frente dele. No seu olhar era visível desespero. - Não te agrado, é isso? Ele limitou-se a desviar o rosto. - Responde-me! - Como poderia ficar indiferente a alguém como tu – disse voltando a olhar nos olhos dela. - Então porquê, porquê? Lochan agarrou-lhe nos ombros, assustando-a. - Esquece-me por favor. Odeia-me. Odeia-me por isto com todas as tuas forças, mas não me ames, nunca me ames, Zahara. Lochan largou-lhe os ombros. Ela ficou sem reacção, e as lágrimas voltaram a molhar o seu rosto. - Não me faças isto… - implorou. O olhar dele tornou-se gélido. O seu rosto mostrava-se agora tão indecifrável, como o de uma estátua. - Odeia-me pelo sofrimento que te acabo de causar e depois esquece-me – disse deixando-a só. Zahara viu-o desaparecer por entre as colunas do palácio.

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    As new chapters are born, old chapters die. Everything ceases at some point. I know its sad, but life goes on.

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    A torpid heart in agony needs a pen to bleed

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    Aunt Syl must have conveniently stopped reading the childhood fairy tales when the knight left the damsel in distress to pursue a better damsel out of my bedtime routine.

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    Being aware sucks.

    • heartbroken quotes
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    But I felt that it was my heart which was broken. Something had broken in me to make me so cold and so perfectly still and far away.

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    But my walls were so high for a coward to climb …

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    But the absolute worst was when people asked if I was okay. Because then I had to admit that it was real, it happened, and we weren't together anymore.

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    Deep down, I think everybody wants to be ‘the one’ to someone. I don’t know if I’ve ever been that person to anyone else – but I do know you are that person to me. You are the one. The only one. And you always will be.

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    Distraction is your friend.

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    Don't worry, Evie; my heart isn't broken, only bruised." -Sarah to Evie Johnson, p.345

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    As there is no joy for the broken heart, there is not also an harmony to a guitar with broken strings!

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    Beyond her declaration of love she could not see. But as she rehearsed the intensity of her passion she thought that he must, when the time came, respond. The desire to, at the right time, tell him became, as the years moved forward toward that time, increasingly painful, like a poisoned wound that must heal itself by breaking open. She now thought in anguish of the times, the recent times, when she could have told him, and had been afraid to, and had clumsily withdrawn, when she could have attracted him and drawn his attention to her. When she had watched over him when he was sleeping in the sedan-chair and could have wakened him with a kiss. If only she had let him know, then she could more easily have borne his not preferring her. He was ready to fall in love — and if he had known — he must have loved her — if he had known how much she loved him. The pain of this loss burnt her in every waking moment, that awful 'if only'. She had lost him, and lost him through her own fault. There were no more pleasures now in life.

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    Break open your heart so that I may enter it.

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    But he also knew this centurion, this man of honour, would change her…by giving her love…and love was the most powerful force in the universe.

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    Deep, deepest inside his wounded heart. he felt the new pain, the pain which would now travel with him always.

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    Don't be selfish, Don't eat others heart.

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    Don't wear your heart on a sleeve unless it is covered by a thick coat.