Best 30 quotes in «listening to music quotes» category

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    Now opium, by greatly increasing the activity of the mind generally, increases, of necessity, that particular mode of its activity by which we are able to construct out of the raw material of organic sound an elaborate intellectual pleasure

    • listening to music quotes
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    [Listening to a song] one could experience a freedom from one's physical body, and from one's social body - the mask you wore to go about in public among those who thought they knew you, an unchosen mask of nervousness and tradition, the mask that, when owrn too long, makes the face behind it shrivel up and rot away. For some, a spinning record opened up the possibility that one might say anything, in any voice, with any face, the singer's mask now a sign of mystery.

    • listening to music quotes
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    As a songwriter, it's very hard to listen to music that's not coming from the heart and soul, personally.

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    I don't listen to music when I write - I find it distracting.

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    I don't like listening to music. I'm not a music fan.

    • listening to music quotes
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    I don't listen to music, actually. Obviously I go to clubs; I stand in elevators; a lot of my friends are musicians; I hear music all the time. But I don't have my own collection of music.

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    I enjoy touring and traveling because that's the time when I get to read, and listen to music. You have all that downtime, which is great for that.

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    I do the same things I did when I was 12 years old: I ride bikes, I read books, I walk in the woods. And I listen to music.

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    I have to detach myself completely from aspirations. I hardly ever listen to music anymore because it arouses all of this yearning in me

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    Hyun Joong hyung listens to music so loud that the neighbors are telling us to move out.

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    I probably watch movies more than I actually listen to music, I think.

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    I listen to music that is of our time and I just get angry.

    • listening to music quotes
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    I listen to music for emotion and I get zero emotion from rap.

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    I'm always listening to music to pump myself up.

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    I'm really focused when I'm working out, so I don't really listen to music. I like to listen to music after, because it's like, 'Yeah! I finished! Let's party!

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    I'm really visually stimulated more than anything. I don't really listen to music. I'm more into watching telly or watching movies and visual art.

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    I think that a lot of journalists don't really listen to music before they review it.

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    Most of America don't even listen to music probably. They just go raccoon hunting or something.

    • listening to music quotes
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    I have got to do something that makes me focus on one thing, and so I will sit and listen to music, or I will read, or I will go and make ammunition in my workshop. I have just got to keep myself busy.

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    Music excites me, inspires me, fuels me! I listen to music every single day.

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    Still, to this day I go back and listen to music that inspires me to write now

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    Keep listening to music, it gets you through everything. I promise.

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    One of my favorite activities is just to drive and listen to music - of course, only when there's no traffic.

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    That was one of the reasons I became a writer - I never really had that many friends. I would read a lot, and listen to music. And that was my life.

    • listening to music quotes
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    There's nothing better than listening to music that compliments my mood.

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    It’s a rule that we never listen to sad music, we made that rule early on, songs are as sad as the listener, we hardly ever listen to music.

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    When I'm in the mood to listen to music, I do like to go to the SkyBar [ L.A.].

    • listening to music quotes
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    When I'm working, I always listen to music to zone everyone else out.

    • listening to music quotes
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    To me, art and music inform each other continually, and when I was making more music there was an overall aesthetic that was shared by both mediums. Now I always listen to music when I work, so when I am working a lot, that is when I start searching out new music and finding new things to get excited about.

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    [when I'm not working I like to] listen to music, watch something really funny like South Park.